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I heard my alarm ticking and I quickly stop it quickly because it made my ears hurt because of the sound and get up I stretch my arms

"Ugh! Good morning Manoban"I said to myself smiling like an idiot

I lazily look at my clock it's 6:30 am I should clean up now and go to work.

By the way I forgot to introduce myself hi I'm lalisa manoban I'm 23 years old I'm living in my parents house we're not poor but simple and I have my little brother lucas and I'm the older one and mom and dad we have restaurant only one but its okay it can contain our needs everyday.

I'm now here at the bathroom cleaning up my body to go to work I'm working at a cafe I get hired almost one year. But I still have part time job because I need to help my parents

So this is my outfit

And I check if I left something none I go downstairs I approached mom and dad kissed them in cheeks

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And I check if I left something none I go downstairs I approached mom and dad kissed them in cheeks

"Mom,I'll go now"I said and hugged them both

"Ok,honey be careful out there alright?"mom said and I nod and approached my little brother who's eating his cereal.

"Noona,yow going now~~"he said while tilting his head to the side

"Yes,lucas -shi noona will go now,behave here okay?"i said to him seriously and he just nod cutely that made me kiss his cheeks and giggled

"Honey,you're going to be late on your work,you better go now"dad said and pick up Lucas on the chair

"I'll go now bye,bye Lucas"I said and wave at them

"Bay bay nuwna becawful!!"Lucas said while waving his hands

I smile last and leave immediately

I'm here now waiting for a cab
And I feel my phone vibrated so I check who it is I saw seulgi texted me and I opened it quickly

"Yow,monkey better go here the boss is angry cause your late"she whispered at me

"Huh why?"i texted her and look at my watch it's 6:42 am my shift time is 7:00 am

"I don't know the boss said you'll be fired if you don't get here quickly"she said that made me panicked oh no...oh no what am I gonna do there's no cab here all of them are full If I waited more I don't have enough time to wait I just run to my workplace

I'm almost there I'm out of breathe I stop somewhere and hold at the table to catch my breath and ready to go

"Ugh,what a wrong timing!" I said and run again

I opened the door and I saw my boss standing in front of me

"S-sorry sir" it's the only word that I can say I don't want my mood to be ruined by my boss

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now