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I called the traffic enforcers and told them to make way without traffic and they agreed all the cars moved away

I called the traffic enforcers and told them to make way without traffic and they agreed all the cars moved away

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I'm already here at the hospital running through Lisa's room

I don't care who I bumped to all I care about is Lisa right now

I opened the door room widely and search for Lisa but no one is there I only saw Lisa's parents crying and chaesoo as well

"Chaeng where's Lisa?"My voice is cracked right now

"S-she s-he's In critical condition Jennie unnie the d-doctor rushed her through ER"I kneel and cried chaeng caress my back

And later on, I stand up and went to ER and wait for Lisa I'm walking back and forth here as I heard

And later on, I stand up and went to ER and wait for Lisa I'm walking back and forth here as I heard

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I look at the window and I saw the monitor flatline I shake my head

"A-andwae, Andwae Lisa yah please survive please!!"I shake my head and shout at the window I tried to open the door at the ER but it's locked

"YAH!!! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!!!"I shout at them chaeng and jisoo hold me to calm me down but it won't affect me I tried to kick the door

"Yah Jennie yah don't make a scene here at the hospital!" Jisoo said trying to make me stop

"I am not making a scene! look! Lisa is already dying and you are trying to stop me I will not calm down if someone is dying already especially my loved ones!" jisoo unnie hold her temple and cries too

I went to the window and cried hard and hold the window after a few minutes of crying I still saw them trying to revive Lisa

I prayed to God that Lisa will survive this

After 3 minutes I saw Lisa's heart is already back to normal I sigh in relief

I sit on the ground and wipe my tears I look at jisoo unnie

"I'm sorry unnie I panicked I don't know what I'm gonna do if Lisa will die I-I can't l-lose her she's the one who changed me and I learned to love again because of her and how to respect others she teach me so many things that will make me change and I owe her a lot I love her very very much I don't want to lose a gem like her, again unnie I'm sorry if I shouted at you earlier"I look down and tears started to fall again

"H-hey it's okay Jennie yeah I love her too cause she's like my sister to me Jennie yah and I thank her too, and I'm glad my jundeuk is now back at her old self I love you Jennie yah I'd rather punch the doctor if he didn't save Lisa or else he'll see Satan"I laughed and hugged her

"I miss my little jundeuk" she pat my head and chuckled a bit

"Yah I'm not little, I'm taller than you" I stated and wiped my tears

She gasped "Hey jundeuk it is because of your hair and look like you taller but I'm taller than you"I just shakes my head until the door opens and revealing the doctor

"Doc, what happened to her why did you suddenly rush her in ER??"I ask confusedly

"We almost lost her but she fight for her life and I know she's strong, earlier someone tried to put poison in her IV but thank god someone came on time but he injected a little bit that can cause death but we are relieved that she's already in good condition already she'll wake up in 48 hours from now"

"Thank you doc really" as I said and he nods

"Alright it's okay now by the way I gotta go now I still have patients to take care of excuse me for a while"we nod and I bowed slightly that made the two widen their eyes it's like they will gonna pop out in their socket

"What the hell did I just see?!"jisoo unnie said

"It's my first time to see her like that, babe hold me I'm about to faint" she act like fainted but immediately composed her posture and laugh

"Maybe I'm just hungry can we eat now"we shake our heads and started to walk to Lisa's room already

Jisoo unnie broke the silence
"So what happened to kai?"

I smirked remembering the scene earlier

"You know unnie it is my first time to torture someone but not killing it's not on my vocabulary, for now, he pissed me off, and to be honest it's my first time to see a dog crying while tied up in the chair earlier"they mentally laughed

"You didn't pic him I want to see that dog suffers, "unnie said and pouted at me I look at the window outside
"No Unnie, it's not on my mind either cause all I think about is Lisa"

"It's okay Jennie unnie she's okay already, now let's eat I'm really hungry now" as she dragged to the room cause earlier they brought a full of food for Lisa but I guess they will be the ones who'll finish it

We're nowhere Infront of Lisa's room I slowly opened the door and I saw Lisa's parents holding her hands until they saw me they kissed Lisa's forehead and leave us alone in the room

I slowly went to the chair while looking at Lisa I held her hand and caress it

"Lisa yah wake up now please I miss you hon" while looking at her sweetly she looks pale right now because of the cause of the poison

"I miss your hugs and kisses and cuddles hon, you know I was about to confess earlier before the accident, I was ready to confess earlier that I-I like you No! I love you Lisa yah I learned to love again because of you, you show me what love is and how it work just wake up now hon I will wait for you hon" as I aligned her bangs I chuckled even though she got into an accident she still has her bangs in her forehead aligned*

It's cute though

I received a text from my investigator that Kai is already in jail I sigh in relief no one will disturb us anymore lisayah im excited please wake up already im craving for your hugs and kisses.

Until chaesoo went inside while wiping their mouths I guess they are done eating already

"Jennie yah eat first we notice that you haven't eaten anything since last night come on," jisoo unnie said and sit at the VIP couch, yes VIP I bought this for Lisa I don't want her to encounter another sick person beside her if she's there she might get sick as well, me being protective I want so assure that she's safe

"Maybe lat---"chaeng cut me off

"Unnie if you will not eat, do you think Lisa will be happy that your not eating? Eat just a little bit of what you want you might get sick too if you won't take care of yourself" yeah maybe she's right Lisa will be mad at me if I don't eat even a little bit

I sigh before speaking "okay chaeng ill eat thank you guys" I said to them and smile weakly

After I eat chaesoo already leave and Lisa's parents im the only ones who here I rest my head to Lisa's bed for me to sleep

Lisa, please wake up now I miss you *I already fell asleep cause Lisa scent is around the room


MADE BY: jendeukimandu27

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