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I woke up and someone is clinging to me like a koala and I smiled in our position

I look at her lovingly I stared at her for a minute and I was about to move but this kitten tightens the hug for me not to move but I need to and if you're wondering our friends went home when we are done watching movies but last night I have so much fun with them

I heard her groan "hmm no please stay here it's cold" she whined at me and pout while still sleeping it's just 6:00 in the morning I kissed her forehead

I hugged her as well and later if I knew she's sleeping again and she turned around I slowly move not wanting to wake her up and piss her off

I'm doing fine already and I already manage to walk properly not like the other day that I'm groaning because it hurts a lot! and I need to make up to my Jennie because whole 3 days she took care of me that why I healed so fast because of my caring girlfriend

I went downstairs and open the refrigerator to see and plan what to cook for my dear girlfriend

I prepared bacon and eggs and kimchi fried rice in the morning of course my favorite food

I was still preparing and careful not to burn the house because of my stupidity I don't want that

First I cooked is bacon and next is eggs and the last one is the kimchi fried rice I was stirring the rice until pair of hands wrapped in my waist that made me startled a bit and jump slightly

I look who it is


I was still sleepy and I hugged the other side and I feel nothing, empty that made me panicked actually because usually, I was the first one to wake up so I hurriedly went downstairs and I slowly went to the living room but there's none so the last one is the kitchen so I slowly went there and I smelled something delicious I peak to see her cooking that made me think that if im sick she will take care of me or our kid running around the house that made me smile having a kid with Lisa is enough to make me happy, very happy.

I saw her wearing an apron and ponytail her hair and Little by little I went to Lisa and I snake my arms around her waist and press my chest in her back, this is the best feeling and this is the first time someone cooked for me and took care of me.

" Ackkkkkk!!!" she slightly jumped when I hugged her from the back and look back to see me and she saw me laughing that made her laugh as well

"Yeobo don't scare me like that, don't do that again you might burn your hands in the frying pan," as she return her attention to the foods, I just chuckles when she scolded me and turn off the frying pan and put the food in the plate

"you're awake already I would have the food in the room, you know breakfast in bed" she scratch her nape and laugh nervously I smile and cupped her cheeks I replied to her

"then let's go to the room let's eat it there" I helped her to carry the food while we are walking I speak to her

"You've cooked so much food, why? but we're only two in the house, the maids took their day off" i asked her and carefully walking not wanting to fall the food

"It's a reward for taking care of me, Yeobo" as she opened the door and put the foods on the lamp side of the bed, and lay down for a second

"then let's eat now yeobo I know you're hungry already your cooking almost an hour now come on getting your ass up" as she chuckles and after she sat down i sat in her lap and caress her cheeks

"and by the way are you okay already? youre already cooking" as i checked her temperature in her forehead and in her neck and she speaks

"Yeobo im okay already and didnt i told you that i will make it up to you here it is i cook for you and we will cuddle all day or whatever you want to do" as she cupped my cheeks and started carresing it that made me teary eyes actually

Im so lucky to have her in my life, im glad she changed me for good and i loved her very much.

I will not let go of this girl already i will make sure of that and i will tell mom and dad that lisa is the one for me

"Hey, hey why are you crying? Dont cry yeobo" and she wiped my tears off my cheeks and hugged me tight

"You made me cry that's why"I pulled out the hug and pout at her and I wiped my tears cutely that made her chuckles

"I didn't do anything, Yeobo"she whined and put me on the bed and she stand up and she tried to pull me up but I won't budge

"Yeobo why are you so heavy even though you're small are you bodybuilder? Or something?"when she said that I quickly glared at her  that made her gulp and still trying to pull me up but idea popped on my mind I pull her instead that made her fall on top of me and made her eyes widen and look at me shocked

"Do you have a problem with it?"I said seductively and look at her intensely

"N-no"she said nervously and she's forcing herself to stand up but I closed my legs in her waist so she won't get away

"Why are you so nervous?"as I lean closer to her face that made her sweating really hard I want to laugh already but I don't want to

"I-i am n-not" as she look away feeling scared already

As I let her go already that made her stand up quickly and wipe her sweats off and she drink a glass of water

"So... what do you want to eat Lisa this? Or me?"i seductively said that to her that made her choked in her drink

As I approached her and caressing her back

"Are you okay Yeobo?"I smirk secretly as she just nodded and sigh deeply

"Just kidding Yeobo eat this first then eat me if you want too"she's full of shocked and she look at me in disbelief

"Are you serious Yeobo of course not I respect you so much now let's eat I'll feed you"she said and sat down again and ready the food

"No, I'll feed you"I protested and shake my head

"No Yeobo don't be stubborn I told you I'll make it up to you"

"Then I'll behave if that's what you want... Daddy"she just shakes her head and start feeding me and she eat as well

It's fun to tease her actually



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