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"I Hate you Lisa!!"I gripped the steering wheel hard while my tears is flowing down nonstop

Seeing you kiss another boy makes my heart shuttered in pieces

I decided to go to bar to drown myself to alcohol to forget her

I went inside as I smell the cigarettes as soon as I went in

"One tequila hurry!!"as I ordered him,he immediately get one glass of tequila and I quickly drink it straight

Another heartbreak

"Why? Am I not enough Lisayah?"

"You... you broke me"as I sobbed hard and I see Lisa is calling me I decided not to respond

I'm hurt, really hurt

I decided to call someone I don't really know it is I'm a bit drunk now

"Hello girl what's up?"as I heard it's Eunwoo my friend

"Ohhhhhhh~ hi!! Can you.... can you accompany me here at the, I hiked for a second and continue talking "at the bar please...."I said while I sobbed hard thinking what jungkook and Lisa did earlier

"Hey,Hey what happened?"

"Just come here I need someone to company me"

"Alright alright I'll be there just don't leave I don't want to find a drunk girl in the street"

"Thankkkkk~~~ you~~~" And then laughed after that I'm really drunk but I can still manage to get my bag and get my black card

"Here, I need more"as I hand it to him but he refused

"But Ma'am you're already drunk we can't just give you another"

"I said give me more can you understand!!"I suddenly burst out while I heard Eunwoo talking to he guy he was here already that fast...thats cool

"Hey I'm sorry I'll take her home you can go now"Eunwoo said and get Jennie she's heavy for God's sake

"You girl I need you to cooperate to stand while I'm trying hard as you can see I'm wearing my heels right now cause my parents is at the other country now get your ass up"
He told me but I can't my body is really weak because of alcohol

"AISH you shorty your so small but you really are heavy what are you eating everyday you make this kind of weight huh"

"Can't you just stop talking~~" my head is aching due to the alcohol that I drank earlier

"I'll get you home AISH I just take a bath earlier, now I stink again"he faked cried making me slapped him but not that hard

"Quit whining you gay, get me home~ or ill slit your throat right here and right now!" I said and I didn't even notice that I fell asleep while he is trying hard to make me sat on the car

"Aish if maybe im just the strongest here in korea i will throw you to the mountain already really!!"once i heard him but i didnt care actually

I'm a bit awake and sober now I heard taehyung talking to my maid

"Can you please change her clothes and sorry to disturb you at this midnight"he said politely and bowed at the maid

"Oh no its okay no need to worry thank you for bringing ms Jennie home"

"Alright I'll go now I bought her the pills for her to drink when she got headache when she wake up i still have to meet my boyfriend he might ger upset"he said and tried to fix his hair and pout

I feel like my body is about to give up so I sleep again due to the scene earlier makes me hate her more


I was still in my penthouse I don't want to go to work I hate to see her face it makes me sick wondering whe she did that

I went down and eat my breakfast alone because my nanny went to groceries because were already out of stuck of foods so no choice to go to grocceries and buy all of it

I look at my phone i see it has a lot of message of Lisa 15 text 10 miss calls

I sigh deeply and turn off my phone and I couldn't believe Lisa would do that to me it keeps reminding me the kiss that lisa and jungkook just shared making my heart shuttered in pieces

I shouldn't let my guards down as Lisa and I met I could just have ignored her that day she applied as my secretary then i will not be broken like this again

I never want to love someone but when Lisa came it's turns upside down, i got broken hearted again it makes me sick now that that i realized they are just using me for money and fame

I hate being used

Im sick of it!!

I heard my doorbell rang it makes me wondered who it is and i jogged towards the door but before i could open someone just shouted

"Jennie yah! Please lets talk!"making me stop from opening the door

"Jennieyah! Yeobo!!"she knocked again i saw theres a cctv at the door i can really see what she's been carrying a plastic of mandu and some vanilla ice cream on her hand

Still have guts to call me that!?

"LEAVE!!"making her flinch as i see at the cctv as i yelled at her through the door but i dont care

"Yeobo please its not really what you think, please lets fix this i-i cant lose you jennieyah"she looked i was still staring at the cctv watching her if shes gonna leave, she just look down i can really feel that shes crying but im much more hurt than her

"Let her Stay "But my inner self saying that

I sigh i tried to calm my nerves as i open the door slowly making her shocked and she quickly wiped her tears and tried to smile genuinely

"H-h-here i- i bought you your favorites, i- i hope you'll like it"she said in cracked voice

I just look at what she bought "i dont need that"i said coldly as i can

"T-then w-what do you want ill try to get it for you"

"Only one thing"i said

She nodded and hoping

"Leave me alone" as i was about to close the door again but she covered it with her arms making her groan in pain making me loosen a bit

I-i was concerned she's hurt

"P-please except for that "she said in cracked voice while she returned her arms and rubbing it gently and sobbed continuesly

"But thats the only thing i want from you, leave now"as i finally closed the door ive seen her kneeling in the floor and leave what she bought there




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