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I was so angry earlier knowing that Lisa went here just to give me food she have guts to go here after what she'd done

I've lost my appetite

I was now reading my papers and I heard someone just knock as always i told him or her coldly

"Come in!"as I turned my attention to the paper what I'm reading since earlier after Lisa goes out

"Hi Ms. Kim" I look who just spoke and went inside my office making my way to him as I shake my hands with him a bit tighter making him groaned a bit I know his face

"A-aw!"as I let go and he rubbed his hands a bit and smile nervously

"Hello Mr. Jeon, I'm VERY glad to see you here"I told him and glared at him making him look away because he's scared

"Shall we talk about the partnership?" I nodded waiting for him to speak

I'm glad I liked his presentation about them having a partnership with the one biggest company in Korea I can get all I want

"I'm so much grateful you like our company and just to remind I'll be continuing this at NYC if it's okay?"I just nod remembering his face wants me to slap him already

"Sure why not I'll be going Now if you don't mind"I said coldly and prepared my bag to leave but he stopped me making me glare at him


"I-i just want to tell you something would you extend a bit time if you have something to do?"

"If it's not about business then I'll leave"I was about to open he door but he speak making me stop from opening the door

"It's about Lisa..."he was just standing there

"So?... Do I look like I care?"I said savagely while I raised my brows

"You should Because it's not Lisa's fault"

"You're wasting my time I better go"I was a bit shock when he yelled at me he situation that day

"I FORCED LISA TO KISS ME!!THE HELL WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN FIRST!!"he yelled making me stunned in my position it feels like I want to know what the real situation happened that time


"Please, let me explain, I know it's better to listen for her explanation but you keep pushing her away and I understand your situation as well your angry because you saw us kissing but that doesn't mean Lisa cheated already, I forced her my inner self is trying to push me to my limits and I know it's bad to break relationship, I'm deeply sorry about that and Ive been really guilty since I did that, that's why I'm trying to move on already from Lisa but I can't just let you guys just go since I'm the reason you guys are not in a relationship anymore so that's why I'm trying for the both of you to be together again, please don't push Lisa away from you, Lisa didn't even do anything"he looked down and I can really feel that he's regretting to what he just did

"I forgave you don't worry it was just maybe I'm blinded by anger..Lisa..."I uttered the last word as I  sigh and trying to stop my tears from falling, how much I regret I didn't let her explain, I'm such an idiot!!!

"I should have just let her explain then things won't be hard"I broke down again and my knees get wobbly I sobbed hardly knowing I hurt my Lisa

"Hey,it's okay let it out"he comforted me

"I hope it's all clear now, I better go now Ms. Kim I still have a flight to NYC"as we stand up and I wipe my tears and tried to smile

"Okay take care jungkook have a safe flight"he leave immediately as I pushed myself to stand up and get my Chanel bag and run through the elevator I keep pushing its button until it opens I hurriedly went in and I tried to call Lisa but she's not answering her phone

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now