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As i lay to my bed i sigh deeply and dont know what to do

Should i take a risk?

Or No?

What if ill be hurt again

I heard someone was knocking to my door i hurriedly went there and open it

"Yes mom? Do you need anything?"

"Oh no dear, i just wanna talk about you guys, how are you? are you okay?"mom asked me as she hold my hand

"Mom im just really confused i dont know what to do"i facedpalm myself and groaned

"Aigoo hey sometimes we can be really hurt like that, and try to follow your heart lisa, not your brain if you really want to give jennie a chance then go for it i knew both of you learned a lesson already"

Maybe mom was right

I nodded understandingly and hugged mom

"Thank you mom ill try to give her a chance" as i smile at her and she arrange my hair

"Okay thats good but please fix yourself also" i nodded and hugged her again

After me and my mom talked to my room we went to the beach where my younger brother was playing with.... jennie

I feel happy to see them like i imagine myself having family with her

"Nuwna!!"lucas shouted and waved his small hands to me, i smiled automatically and approach them i saw jennie was just staring at me

"Lucas shi! What are you playing hmm?"as i kneel infront of him as i can feel jennie was staring at me

"Nuwna me and jennie unnie was building a big castle!"he demonstrate it with her hands making me chuckles

"Wow thats so cool!!"i said amazingly and hugged him



"Can you help jennie nuwna build the wall over there?"i glanced where he pointed at

"U-uhm y-yeah s-sure"why am I stuttering what the hell

I went near to jennie as we continue building the wall lucas was watching as he claps his hand proudly making us laughed

"Aigoo this cute baby"

"Lisa! Baby!"i shut my eyes and prayed to God

God help me to overcome his problem between this two i wont make it alive here

"Baby! Here i got you some flowers i picked them by myself over there"

"Awe thank you op— i mean jackson" i almost slipped back there

"Youre welcome and later i will tell you something just the two of us if its okay?"

I can feel jennie sent me daggers beside me making me nervous

"A-ah yeah okay what about it?"

"Its a secret you'll know later!"he winked at me and laughed while walking out

Jennie stand up for a bit and get her phone at the table

"Yes please put it infront of her door later thanks"i heard her but i shrugged it off and continue playing with lucas whos laughing at me

"Lisa poopoo are you free tomorrow?just this once please..."she speaks to me and hold my hand that caught me off guard

"Y-yeah sure what time?"

"After lunch if its okay with you"

"Okay"i just agreed to it and looked away i can see through her eyes that she's sad i dont know why i have urges that i want comfort her but not for now

"Shall we head back lucas shi?"i asked him and rubbed his back and its full of sweat already im worried he might get sick

"Later nuwna please i want to play moww look!"i sigh deeply

"Lucas we need to head back mom and dad will be angry if we are still not there and we should probably rest right now"

"Awee, okay nuwna"he said sadly and hold my hand so we will go already i look behind seeing jennie smiling at me and approach me before we walk

"See you tomorrow lisayah! I love You always remember that"she kissed my cheeks and went to other directions

That time I blushed really hard i tried to hide it and dragged lucas to mom and dad

After we went there mom and dad were already at the lobby looking for us they remained calm when they saw us already

"Oh lucas! your so sweaty!"mom scolded him and lucad just laughed because of mom's making face

"Aigo why are you laughing huh? Aish this dwarf is really annoying right hon!?"

But dad is also laughing at the back making mom punched at dad's shoulder

"Aww!! Aigo hon,lets just head back and rest before i became your punching bag"dad teases her more

"You two really aish! Lisa lets just go dont mind this two my head is aching so much" mom dragged me out and helped me carry our things with dad

"Are you okay mom?"i asked her and worried a bit

"Yes dear im okay no need to worry im still young"mom said making me laughed and we walk to there door since my room was just beside them

"Okay,fix it lisa okay? You two! Come here"i nodded and look at dad and lucas went in and we said goodbyes to each other

After i went in my hotel room my friends called me

"Liz!" Made me a littlw bit startled

"So whats the tea?"moobyul told me and went to my front ready to have chika minute

"What tea?"i ask confusedly while scratching my head

"Lisa are you a turtle?"seulgi asked making my brows furrowed

"What?! You guys are so weird right now" told them and rolled my eyes

"Dude your literally a tutle your so freaking slow" seulgi laughed making me glared at her that made her stopped and looked away because of the nervousness she's feeling

"Duhh about you guys, you should always inform us"moonbyul rolled her eyes making me laughed a bit

"Okay we spent some time with lucas at the beach and she told me that if im free tomorrow"

"And then what did you say?" Moonbyul said interestedly to know

"I said yes i am and then thats it finish"

"Wow... thats very detailed huh?"moonbyul told me sarcastically and i just rolled my eyes and lay in my bed

"Lis, do you have some snacks there?"

"Have you seen anything there?"i answered back

"Well practically nothing"

"Well that answers your question, go to your perspective room im tired we can talk tomorrow guys,bye goodnight"as i pushed them all out and lock the door

"All i want is peace for now"as i lay again to mu bed and started to drip off to my dreamland not minding that i didnt even do my night routine



Hiii sorry uhmmm i became more busier and topaker char hahahaah sorry ngaun lang nag update hope you guys are safe and kumain na thankkk youuu lovee you alll mwah!😘🤗

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