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I'm now here at my parents house I have my own house I just visit them

The maid open the door for me and bowed I just nod and continued walking to the living room I saw dad on his couch watching news a approached him

"Dad, where's mom?"I ask and kiss his cheeks

"Oh, hi dear your mom is in our room getting something,why are you going to introduce me your lover?"he said and sit properly while wiggling his brows I just furrowed my brows

"Lover?,I don't have lover dad I just visit you guys I want to spend time here"I said and say on the couch with dad

"Oh! are you sure dear?,you're already old enough to have family or relationships"he said making my ears bleed every time i went to my home

"Dad, I already told you so many times that I don't want it"I said and look at him seriously

"Hi sweetie why are you here?"mom said while going downstairs

"Mom, am I not allowed here to visit you and dad I just miss you"I said and pout at them

"Ow my daughter,by the way have you eaten Already?I'll cook you're favorite dumpling"she said that made me look at her

"Really,mom? Sure I'd love to I miss your cooking since I'm just alone at my house"I said and we walked to kitchen

And you know what I see??

Jisoo is eating the whole chicken without me unbelievable *i shake my head*until she noticed me

"Oh hi jundeuk hows your work?"
She said and eat again

"Still the same unnie it gives me headache as always"I said to her and about to get 1 chicken but she slapped my hand

"Unnie,what the hell just one"I said and about to get again but she cut me off

"If you get that and I'll break your bones"she said I'm not scared to everyone but I just take my hand back and I'm about to walk and I saw her still glaring at me

"Chill unnie I didn't get your chicken okay?"I said and go to mom

"Better be! Jundeuk this is all mine" Jisoo said and get all her chickens

I scoffed in disbelief and shake my head I headed to mom I saw her cooking my favorite dumplings as always

"Oh you're here wait let me put this on plates"mom said and get some plates and later comeback with dumplings

"Mom,do you have work tomorrow?"i said and eat my dumplings

"No dear,It's my day off why?"
She answered quickly and looked at me

"Can we go shopping at the mall only two of us please?" I do my magic to say her yes my puppy eyes

*she sigh* "ok let's go tomorrow" She said and I smile after that and hugged her

"I'll buy our groceries too" mom added and I nod and finished eating

"Mom I'll just go upstairs and do my night routine"I reminded her and go upstairs

"Ok sweetie I'll just call you if I needed something"she shouted

"OK MOM"I yelled and continue going upstairs

I do my night routine and slumps in my room I'm staring at the ceiling on my room

Where can I find my true love? The one who is sweet,kind,and caring not cheating I hate it

I'll just need to wait but I still need to wake up for tomorrow and work again

Tomorrow morning at 6:46 am


Ugh my head is aching ,my schedule for today is 8:00 am but I wake up early to do my routine and this is my outfit for the day

I go out to walk in the park and about my cats they're currently sleeping in this time so I go out mom is cooking something for us and jis helping mom to cook I take a walk for awhile and capture some pictures because the view is so cool today Sun...

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I go out to walk in the park and about my cats they're currently sleeping in this time so I go out mom is cooking something for us and jis helping mom to cook
I take a walk for awhile and capture some pictures because the view is so cool today Sunny day there are dogs around,families

I sit down for a minute and enjoy the view after a while and walk again to our house

I bumped to a girl and she fell down I quickly helped her up and bowed down

"Oh,I'm sorry miss I didn't saw you are you hurt?"I said and hold her hands and smile to her I saw her she stunned for awhile I decided to wave my hands

"Uhm miss hello?"i said and try to get her attention

"Oh-uh yes,I'm okay t-thank you"she said and smile too

"Ok sorry again miss I'll be careful next time"I said and smile last time and run away  I didn't saw her face because I'm in a hurry because my mom might get mad at me I don't want that

"W-wait hey!"She shout but I ran away

I'm now at our house and quickly go to kitchen I saw my oldest brother Jackson oppa eating breakfast at the table until he noticed me and said

"Yah, where did you go lisayah?"he asked me and answered him

"I went to park for a walk Jackson oppa since later is my work"I said and sit down on the chair

"Oh ok here,mom went to her work and dad too I cooked it for you"oppa said and hand me the food that he cooked earlier.

"Thank you oppa"I said and smile sweetly

"Your welcome lisayah by the way I'll go now I have my meeting later so I gotta go now take care here okay,love you, bye!"He said carefully and pat my head

"Ne ~~ oppa you too be careful on your way"I said and one last smile and he leave

I finished my food and change my clothes it's already 7:30 I decided to go now I don't want to be scolded again

I wait for a bus here and I'm in hurry now I look at my watch 7:42 I still haven't inside the bus I wait for awhile and there I saw one I run to the bus stop and enter there's no vacant sit so I decided to stand up

What a long day

TBC here is my new story I hope you like it 😊😊

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