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im here now with lisa walking towards her door hand in hand

"Oh lisa poopoo wait i have to tell you something"i stopped her and force her to face me but gently

"What is it hon?"she was now looking at me curiously

"Uhm tonight is my flight back to Seoul"making her pout and snuggled to me making me chuckles

"Please don't go"she whined and hugged my waist making me chuckles

"Baby i cant, dad was expecting me tomorrow he said he has something to say important so i need to go, dont worry love i'll update you every minute"as i wink at her and making her blushed and look like a tomatoes right now

"Stop it jennieyah, do you want me to accompany you to the airport tomorrow love?"she suggested to me making me shake my head

"No no its okay poopoo, i can handle no need to worry, i miss you please comeback also at the company your coworker was asking were where you at"i told her and hold her hand

"Okay love, uhm maybe 2 more days mom and dad extended a bit since they enjoyed it here"She stated making me nod my head and hugged her

"Why my mandu is so clingy huh?"she asked and laughed at me right now making me pout

"Love who would not be so clingy if you guys misuderstood the situation and have been away to each other, of course i had to be so clingy i miss you so much"i said and peck her cheeks so many times

"Okay okay stop now jennieyah its already late you should go back also and remember you have a flight early in the morning so you need to pack, am i clear to you Ms. Kim?"she said and crossed her arms

"Yes honnnnn~~"i nodded cutely kissed her cheeks and say good bye to her

"Bye hon, i love youuuuu~~~"doing my aegyo tricks to her

"i love you too please be careful when you go back okay?"i nodded again give her a flying kiss before leaving and heard her chuckles before closing her door

Now, my plan succeed I went back to my room seeing jisoo unnie with chaeng at the living room watching a movie together

"Hey unnie"i smile so bright and wave to them while i get my high heels off

"Hey jundeuk you look so happy"unnie smirked at me and wiggle her brows

"Well of course im so happy..."they are waiting for my answer while chaeng is munching the food while looking at me

"Im happy i got her back in my arms again"i chuckles and laughed at unnie because she got up and jumped over the room

"Yahoo!! My ship is sailing again! Babe! Lets celebrate!"unnie happily said while wiggling her body i shake my head at unnie making chaeng hold her

And unnie quickly obligued she doesnt want the chipmunk getting mad at her


"Ill just shower first"i told them while now im walking to my room and get some spare of clother for me to wear later and im excited to go back since i got my lili back and wait for her to come back at the company making me feel giddy to see her again

How i miss my lili even though we just seperated minutes ago

After im done showering my phone dings as i looked at it

My yeobo...

"Have you arrived?"she asks me if i already arrived at my room

"Yes, i did yeobo"i replied back to her while smiling like an idiot right now because its first time again she chatted me

"Okay, please take care yeobo"

"Ne~~ you too please remember im waiting at the company"as she chuckles when i told her that

"Of course hon no need to worry ill be back"

"Okay hon i gotta go see you, i love you so much lisayah"

"I love you more hon"i told her and end the call and went to the bathroom while smiling so wide

Yes, i know I'm so in-love


"Oh My Goddddd!!! See! I told you seulgi lisa cant resist Ms. Kim" Moonbyul said while staring at me

"Yes that's true! Look how she's smiling right now even though she's spacing out"seulgi also said and laugh with moonbyul

"Do we need to take her to mental?" Seulgi teased me while she leaned more to see my tomato face

"Idiot! Its normal even me i literally space out when someone wants me back also"moonbyul told seulgi making her scratch her nape shyly

"Yeah, you have a point there but youre single no one will take you back"

"Haha youre funny huh? Do you wanna die early i will gladly do it" Moonbyul and i are now laughing because of seulgi

"Okay, okay stop now, guys lets just order some food i know you guys are hungry"i told them and get my wallet in my sling bag

"Yes! I can have free food!"moonbyul said happily and punched the air like she won a lottery

"Only for today"i stick my tongue out and laughed at her reaction

"Aish this stick!"

As we continued talking about our lives and catch up those days were having fun in our university

After 30 minutes seulgi decided to drink a bit to have fun and seulgi is now even laughing out already and her face is so red all of us are like tomato right now but i can still manage

We heard her phone rings and moonbyul smirked at me

Well me im literally clueless to what she about gonna do

"Hey seulg your girlfriend is calling"moonbyul told her while me secretly laughing at her situation right now

"WhAt?! I hAve A gIrlFriend?!"she said drunkly while shaking moonbyul

"Yes seulg now answer it, or else your girlfriend will turn into a monster if did not"
Moonbyul convincingly said to her making her nod like a kid she answered it and put it on speaker

"Babe are you already asleep?"as we hear irene unnie on the other phone

"NoOOoo aCtually*burp* were haVing FuN in here"

"Are you drunk?!"

"Nop i Just drINk a teQuila with mY fRiends here,LiSa say Hi to my wIFe!"

"Aish!! I swear if you went back here ill kick your ass!"

"Im SoRRy BaBY pLease ForgaVe me Uwu~~"Seulgi said while baby talking to irene unnie

What the hell? HAHAHHAHAH

"Hi unnie we're sorry about seulgi's behavior we will take care of her dont worry"

"Thanks lisa i owe you one, okay just tell her tomorrow if she's already okay that she needs to call me asap"she told me

"On it unnie were sorry again"i apologized to her

"Its okay please take care of her for me"she said in the other line

"Yes unnie byie"as i responded and she ended the call before i do

"For sure seulgi is dead tomorrow"we burst out laughing again while seulg is walking like a hungry zombie while going to the restroom



My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now