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W-what is this??

Lisa's alivee!!! Freaking alivee!

"Oh My God!! My baby! Your alive, is this really true or im just hallucinating" i slapped her

"Aw! You supposed to slap yourself not me huhu" she said while rubbing her cheeks while pouting

"Im sorry i-i cant just believe it your alive"
I kissed her longer immediately while i heard some of them coughing

"Woah, i look like watching live make out session here"jisoo unnie said and rose smacked her head

"Way to ruin their moment"

"Im sorry!" She shouted and bowed

She pulled out the kiss and caress her cheeks

"As i was saying earlier, i wanted to spend my whole life with you jen..."

I became nervous to what she's about to say

She's proposing?

She is! You dumb!

"Let's put our hearts into each other's hands for life. I deeply in love and I want you forever in my life."

"You are the reason behind my laughter and smile-you are my world. The one I wanted to find, to tell you that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life."

"Every time I see you makes me happy jen so much, the fact that i always wanted to see you and hug you and kiss you everytime i saw you, i can clearly see my self having a family with you, nini"

Me too, lisa

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"as she started to kneel down her one knee and get something inside her pocket and saw a red box

I heard the crowd shouting

"Say yes already!"

"Give us many grandson/grand daughter!"

"Say yes!"

"Say yes or ill do it!" Irene unnie said making my eyes go wide and glared at her

"No way in hell! Of course ill say yes!"i yelled at her and looked at lisa who's kneeling down patiently waiting for my answer

"Lisayah..."to get her attention which is i gladly did

"Its a yes even a thousand times"Lisa's eyes become teary after what i said i pulled her up and hugged her so tight

Im so glad you're alive my love

"I love you jennie... so much"i smiled when she said that and i pulled out the hug and cupped her cheeks and make it closer to mine as i captured her soft lips

I pulled out and smiled lovingly to her

"I love you too Lisa... so so much"


"Ill be having a grandchildren's im gonna cry!" Uncle Said making both of us blushed hard




We both said in unison

"Lets party!! Guys! Let's get wasted!" Chaeng said while holding a shot glass and a wine

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now