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I'm still in the hospital lying down,The doctor told us that they can discharged me already all of my family even Jennie's family is here too that's making me shy

"Yeobo are you ready?"i furrowed my brows I sit carefully at the bed

"What do you mean are you ready? Where?"I told her curiously and I look at my parents

"Lisayah stay with Jennie first because we can't keep a close eye on you because our restaurant is really getting busy because it's almost Christmas that's why,besides Lucas is with rose and jisoo you don't have to worry they will just eat there at their condo"mom told me and hold my hand

"Bu—"I was about to speak something but Jennie's mom cutted me off

"It's okay Lisayah, you're the only two of you in Jennie's house so we're leaving for a business trip so don't worry maids are also there to look for you"auntie told me but I look down Jennie sat beside me and hold my hand as well

"Oh! No it's okay auntie besides I can do it by myself already I might disturb her and I don't want to trouble Jennie "I said and look at Jennie as well

"Aniya~~ it's okay Yeobo your not a disturbance all right besides I like you to go to my condo no one will look after you lisayah so please let me take care of you Yeobo please~~"she said while doing an aegyo infront of me,infront of them as well I look at them I saw them jaw dropped like all of them

"Okay? What the hell!"uncle said and dropped the newspaper

"H-honey are you seeing what I am seeing?"auntie said while staring at Jennie

"Definitely and shockingly, yes"uncle said and auntie started to sob and uncle quickly comfort auntie

"Eomma why?"she told auntie and approached her as I look at auntie as well

"N-nothing dear I-I'm just happy that y-your back to your old self already" auntie said and she hugged Jennie really tight

"M-mom I- I can't breathe too tight!"she said and auntie quickly pulled away and kiss Jennie's forehead and smile sweetly

"I'm very happy my little mandu is back"we all laughed me as well and Jennie pouted and crossed her arms

"Yah! I'm not little~ just a bit"when she said that she measures in her hand that made us more laugh that made her annoyed

"Told yah little jenduek I'm more taller than you it's just because of your hair"jisoo unnie teased Jennie and sat beside and hugged me tight

"I miss my monkey we can eat banana and chicken later since we look like them"I shake my head when unnie said that

"Yah! you guys are here just to tease us aren't you?"jennie said and approached me she pushed jisoo aside that made jisoo unnie stumbles at the floor and Jennie hugged me instead of unnie

"Wow! What a great day we have here,it's so comfortable"jisoo unnie said in sarcasm and glared at Jennie but Jennie don't even care

"By the way Lisayah"I turned my attention to uncle and wait for him to speak

"Yes uncle?"

"I much prefer dad instead of uncle"he said and smiles widely to me that made me blush and Jennie as well

Until someone barged in that made us really startled

"YAH LISAYAH ARE YOU OKAY?SORRY OPPA IS NOT THERE TO HELP YOU!"Jackson oppa said and weent to me hugged me tight and started to cry as well

"Ah! Oppa are you really crying or your just faking it?" I tried to release on his hugged but its super tight until mom smacked hid head to release me from his hug i see jennie glaring at him like she wants to kill my older brother im hella scared

"Aishhhh! Yah! Jackson shes okay no need to worry about her and how was your meeting overseas?"mom asks him becausse he leave a month ago and he just came back as you can see

"Well... it went well but i heard lisa got into an accident yesterday so i booked a flight right away and im glad youre okay already lisayah!"oppa said and kiss my temple i smile widely and quickly turn into hurting face i tap jennie rapidly cause shes holding my arm very tight. Does she want to break my arm?

I look at her immediately and trying to release it as well i heard mom and auntie all of them are talking not minding us they have their own new world like we didnt exist here

"Y-yeobo it hurts" i whispered to her gently and trying to calm this kitten calm until she realize that she was holding me tight

"Omo! Omo! mianhe lisayah i didnt mean it im sorry,im sorry"she keep repeating sorry and kisses me all over my face that tickles me

"HA HA HA HA jennie yah its okay seriously its okay now look, let me explain my side jackson oppa was my older brother no need to worry about." I assured her and cupped her face

"I can't help it Yeobo even though it's your brother I'm jealous"she pouted at me and smile after

"No need to be jealous I'm yours already and I'm not attracted to anyone so it's okay Yeobo now sit back there and let's wait the others"I said and I pull her beside me and I hugged her

"I miss you hon"she said and snuggles to my neck that furrowed my brows

"You still misses me even though you're always here everyday taking care of me?"I ask her slowly and she proudly nodded her head that made me chuckles

"Lisayah I always miss you even though I'm here I still miss you and I'll do everything, you know i love you so so much and I will never let go a special person in my life"she said to me and look at me lovingly

"I love you too Yeobo very much"I responded to her and kiss her temple until I heard someone clearing his throat so I look at my brother

"I shouldn't have seen your lovey dovey here lisayah I'm getting irritated"as he rolled his eyes

"Oppa,you should have say that you also want a girlfriends I mean girlfriend"I stated and we just laughed again



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