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that bulldog really have the guts to go here I was about to reject him earlier because I have plans later but he's really insisting that I need to help him run the company

"please Jennie just help me to know about businesses I really don't know how to run the company Dad just handed me the company because I was the right age last month... please?"

i rolled my eyes as i answered "why are you approaching me there is someone else there to help you" i was ready to walk away but he held my hand and begged at me while kneeling down

"please jennie I don't have anything close when it comes to the company, I just stumble upon it and I only know you" i looked away i look at my wrist watch and replied to him

"just get up there ill help you" i was sorry for him and help him to stand up he was about to hug me but i stopped him

"hug me once i will never help you" i warned him and he quickly stopped and smile at me and he changes the topic

"s-s-so lets eat first before you help me my treat"

We ate first and we went to his company making them all eyes on me and him

"fine" i huffed i walk away first and mumbled "lets just finish this bullshit"

I started to help him by investing to other companies will make his company bigger and to be known by other companies

And therefore to know what's his responsibilities as a ceo of their company

"Did you get it already?"

"Yup thank you about that so can I offer you coffee or to eat something? if you have time I'll just repay you to what you did is really helping me"

"Sure why not just coffee I'll be good"I said coldly and put my glasses on I noticed I didn't see my phone in my bag so apparently I left it in my drawer AISH this is really annoying

"Okay that's good thank you"he smiled but I remain cold shoulder as I only nod at him as he went to the counter and tells our order

"So can I know you more?"

"Sorry no I can't my wife will be mad at me"that made his eyes widen in shock

"O-oh is that so I'm not planning to ruined your relationship with her I respect it so much don't worry I'm just showing off to them that I'm a boy but apparently no I'm... gay"

"Uhm glad you know what to do or else you'll regret it if you did" i told him seriously that made him gulp in nervousness

Well it's pretty obvious though the way he cut the bread he raised her pinky finger while slicing and his outfit have a red scarf on his neck while a brown polo and white jeans and a slight lip tint on his lips

"Hmm... Okay so friends?" I offered to him and he accepted it

"God I'm tired with this I wish I can wear my heels after this" that made me chuckle a bit and look at my wrist watch

"I need to go now my wife is waiting for me" he bowed slightly to me as I nod and he thank me again before I leave the cafe i remembered lisa, shit i forgot lisa oh my god please help me i am surely dead

I hurriedly went to my car and drove to my company i tried callin lisa but shes not respnding to my text and calls it made me panick actually i hurriedly went out to my car and jogged towards the entrance

I cleared my throat making them bowed at me

"By any chance does Lisa went here?" I asked and jihyo nodded at me

"She did ms Kim she actually bought your favorite foods and she said she will wait for you so you can eat with her together but you didn't come and she said she understands it so she leave after working for an hour and she instead have us the food that she bought for you but we didn't ate it, it's really for you ms kim" she handed me one plastic bag that Lisa bought for me and bowed at the same time

That made me disappointed knowing Lisa Waited for me for an hour and quickly leave the company

I thank her and went to my office I walk weakly I wanna make things up to my Lisa

I frustratedly held my face palm and i saw my phone in my drawer and I saw my phone with a lot of texts of Lisa

Oh my god!

She's always updating me but I didn't reply any of them oh god I really messed up

It's all my favorite foods

Don't worry Yeobo I'll make it up to you

I hurriedly went to my office and I need finish all of it and went to my apartment to see my Lisa

I miss her already I didn't see her for one day I miss my poopoo

I look what she made me it's delicious really, I'll just eat when I'm home so I can eat with Lisa

I excitedly went out and went to my penthouse when I unlocked it all I see is dark it made me disappointed

Where is she?

"Lisayah?"I tried calling her but no one's answering i thought she'll be here but no it made me panicked where could she be?

I tried texting her but she's not really responding

Yeobo where are you? You're not at my penthouse I'm worried about you

Please reply Lisayah I'm sorry i didn't respond immediately because I left my phone in my drawer please forgive me

She's not responding how about her parents but maybe they are already sleeping I might disturbed them

I frustratedly sigh and I ate what Lisa bought for me I Wish Lisa was here with me right now

I lay down to my soft mattress and put my phone beside me waiting for Lisa's responds

Until I felt that my eye lids are getting heavier and I didn't notice that I fell asleep already


I groaned when a sunlight hitting my face and I was about to hugged my Lisa at my side but it's all flat I remembered she didn't went home here

I look at my phone to see if she responded to my text but to my disappointment, None

Even seen can't do

Is she alright?

Have she eaten already?

There are so many questions in my head right now so I get up and jogged towards he bathroom to get ready to meet my soon to be wife

I tried calling her after I take a bath but still won't do

I need to hurry before Lisa misunderstands everything



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