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After i talk to jennie i didnt noticed i fell asleep already because of blown crying at night i started to shift when a sun hit my beautiful face and i noticed my clothes are still the same when i talked to jennie

My head is aching so bad making me sat up to my headboard of the bed and get my phone to activate it, Once i opened it its so many messages and missed calls from jennie, i didnt bother looking at it im just getting hurt if i did

I decided to clean myself first before eating with my family

How i miss my jackson oppa he told that he'll be going out of the country its been a week i pouted to myself, After im done to dress i went out and go to my family eating vacant outside since the room is too small for us to fit in

As i approach mom seeing her "Mom, do you want help?"i offered to mom who's already placing the food at the table and mom quicly shook her head as a no.

"Oh no dear, we finished early with help of jennie"i frozed again and shock to hear her name

"S-she's s-still here?"mom nodded and dragged me to the table

"Yes, now sit here and wait for her ill just get lucas and your dad at our room"she kissed my cheeks and leave

"Bu--" she completely walk away i have a deep sigh as I glanced at the food at the table

It looks delicious

Should i taste it?

Okay maybe i can since we will eat this later

I grabbed a spoon and taste it a little bit and nodded when i get my satisfaction "Its good"i mumbled to myself and sat down continued eating

"Im glad you like what i've cook earlier"that voice I literally stopped munching my food and loo back to see jennie smiling ear to ear

"Jennie..."she smiled widely to me and sit beside me i gulped my food and remain silent

"So? Do you want me to feed you here"she was about to get my spoon and my eyes widen when she said that i quickly shook my head and smile timidly and quickly put the food inside my mouth

"Nwo~ i cwam do it, no mworries mwiss kwim"i said while munching and nervously laugh i look at my side avoiding her gaze at me

"You baby"she chuckles shakes her head i was nervous when she suddenly wipe the side of my cheeks i assume that theres a dirt and she stared at me deep in to my soul

"T-thank you but please move away a little bit youre too close" i saw that shes also hurt but she chose to smile at me

"Lisa..."i ignored her and get a last spoonful and ate it before getting up from my seat

"I'll just call my friends they are probably awake right now"i said coldly and bowed at her and walked away leaving her alone, im upset to her but she's still my boss i also respect her

"Hey, dear! Where are you going?!"mom said and while holding Lucas hands

"Ill just my call my friends mom!"as i run through their room and flopped myself at them making them groaned in annoyance

"What the hell?! You monkey ill strangle you wait a minute, i look like shit right now"moonbyul said and cupped her head as she look at the mirror

"Be thankful we love you maknae!"i laughed at them and sat at the bed and sigh deeply they quickly noticed it and sat beside me

"Whats wrong lis?"seul said to me worriedly

"U-uh nothing uhm lets go mom is probably waiting for us"

"Lis i know youre thinking about jennie, you know you can try to forgive her it will not be a sin if you try right?"ryujin said and clung to my shoulder

"I-ill try but give me time im really hurt seul"i answered to ryujin and look down

"We understand lis now lets go auntie will smack us if were still here chitchatting" Seulgi said making all of us laughed

We arrived again at the table jennie is helping my mom to prepare the foods until i heard a loud scream at my back

"LIMARIO!!!" I smiled when i hear her voice and i look back and i saw jisoo unnie running towards me

"You idiot you didnt tell me youre also here"she smacked me making me pout at her and she cupped mu cheeks

"Aigo my monkey come here!"my friends are looking at us confusedly

"U-uh guys this is jisoo unnie Ms. kim's sister and also my best friend and jisoo unnie this is my friends moonbyul, seulgi and ryujin"

"Hi nice to meet you guys im chu for short"jisoo unnie extended her arms to offer a shake hands to them

"Oh! You're one of the famous doctor here in Seoul!"moonbyul complimented her making jisoo unnie looked down

"U-uh yeah i guess"she nervously laughed and feeling so shy

"No way!" Moonbyul cupped her mouth in shock and wide eyes open

"Yes way!" Unnie laughed at us and join us in the table

I can feel someone is glancing at me everytime but i dont mind

I prepared them a food and i was finding a sit

No way!

The only sit that is free is beside Jennie i bit my lower lip and deeply sigh i don't have a choice to sit beside her

I approached her and sat quietly while eating my food

"Lis, we have a competition next week should we plan it after our leave?" Seulgi broke the silence

"Oh if that so we can do it here besides we dont have something to do so why not?"

"Noona! Can i go with you too?"

I was about to answer but mom cut me off making me smile at them

"Aigoo you little one you cant even last a thirty seconds and your planning to dance"mom and i laughed a bit and jennie joined us as well

"But mom! I want to be like nuwna a cwool danswer!"lucas said making me hugged him by my side since the arrangement is jennie is beside me and lucas is in the other one and my friends are infront of me and mom and dad are in the middle

"You can be dancer like nuwna dont worry nuwna will teach you i promise"i wink at him and smile

"So what time?" Moonbyul told me

"Maybe we can later"i nodded and proceeded eating not minding how messy am i




I glanced at her and hummed

I was startled when she wipe the side of my cheeks so it means it has a dirt on my face thats why shes calling me after shes done shes just staring at me

"Thanks..." as i ate again not minding her making her look down snd controlling her tears

"Lisayah... i missed you so damn much"she mumbled and scratched her arm

"I-im sorry"

"No you don't need to apologize since its my fault anyway"

"I-its just that i miss the old us..."

"C-can i talk to you after we eat?"She said weakly and i just nod a bit



My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now