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I'm now here at our house doing my night routine and someone is calling me

Who is this it's already midnight I answered the call


"Hi Barbie doll"

"Uhmm who's this?

"You don't know me kookie, its jungkook" he finally introduced him self

"Oh,hi btw why did you call?"

"Oh can I ask if you're f-free t-tomorrow?" I can sense he's nervous to ask me

"Uhm sure you can fetch me at my work after"i told him so he can know my sched

"Okay see you tomorrow Barbie doll"

"Ok me too"I said and we hung up the phone call I sleep and tomorrow will be a long day


Lisa headed to the office early in the morning while holding of two cups of tea

She knock 3x times and go inside there's no one there so I just put the tea in miss Kim's table and leave and she went to her work place

She did her work fast and ms Kim walked behind I bowed a little

"Lisa please don't let someone in my office just for awhile" I nodded and she smile and wink at me and walked away

And  I blush slightly I looked away and continued my work I heard her giggled

"Lisa do you have the copy of this?"sehun asked and approach me

"Oh, uh yeah wait let me get it"I said and stand up from my sit and get beside my table

"Here sehun"I said and give it to him

"Thanks Liz"he said and wink at me and why is everyone is winking at me am I that beautiful or what But I can feel some daggers at my back like someone is stabbing me

I just shrugged it off and continued my work and I heard someone banged the door in the office that made me stand up I'm curious who it is

"Let me go you jerk! I just wanna talk to Jennie"he said rudely to the guard

I walk to him "Uhm sir I'm sorry to interrupt but ms Kim said that we can't let you in in her office right now"I said calmly

"I don't care and who are you to talk to me huh!!"he shout and pushed me hard that made me stumbles on the ground

are you high blood or what?

"Sir I'm sorry but we really can't let you in right now" I said while standing up and I'm almost pissed I'm just holding it back I might get fired again

"Why are you so stupid I said let me in"he said and trying to get in my way but pushed him too like he did to me earlier

"Are you referring to yourself sir? Why can't you understand that we can't let you in"are you deaf or whatI fired back feeling angry inside me but I keep it

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now