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I'm already in the wheelchair Jennie is pushing me so no need to worry about her jealousness

That made me relief actually

"Yeobo~?"I hummed in response and I was startled when some of the butlers went in front of me I look at Jennie I gave her a questioning look

*what's this?*

"I don't want my girlfriend to be in danger again so I double the butlers no need to worry hon" "as she caresses my shoulder and kiss my cheeks

It's like our family is not here they were still here besides us looking at us sweetly

"Oh, Okay are you tired already?" I told her and I look up to look at her pretty face

"Ani~ I'm okay Yeobo besides your my strength after all" after she said that the other members of our families trying not to laugh because of Jennie but they can't they started to laugh really hard that made Jennie look at them sternly

"What's funny?"Yeobo told them seriously

Her parents just look away and jisoo unnie is already sweating hard well that's what i am when im scared of her

"U-uh n-nothing jendeuk it's just the view it's so beautiful you know? hehehe"she nervously laugh and quickly averted her gaze to other directions

yeobo just shake her head and she speaks

"Mom, dad well be using another car I know we won't fit there so I contact my personal driver to get my Maserati sports car only Lisa and I so she can take a rest properly"she informed them and jisoo unnie jaws dropped

"for real Jennie, you don't let me ride in your sports car, but when it Lisa right away," unnie told to Jennie, yeobo compose her posture and clears her throat

"it's like you don't have a sports car, you also have one don't act victim here unnie"jennie told her and laugh after that

"Oh! yeah I forgot i just didn't use it for a meantime"unnie scratched her nape and we all laugh as well

Until my personal driver arrive

"Mom we're going already"as they nod

"Okay take care dear drive safely"My mom said and I hugged them one by one jennie assisted a me to the passenger sit as Jennie's parents as well in their own car

She put me inside and went to the other side to drive and opened I was so tired,really tired I closed my eyes for rest for a minute

"Lisayah"I heard her that made me hum in response she buckle me up and started to drive

I glanced at her she was busy to drive until a hand travels to mine that made me look at her and smile widely

"Yeobo are you not tired?"she said to me worriedly I look at her lovingly and started caressing her hand

"Aniya~I'm okay Yeobo just sleep I'll just wake you up when we get there already alright?"I just nod and intertwine our hands together

I smile and then I though Nobody in the world has hands this soft

I was so lucky to have her in my life so I promise to myself that I will never let this girl go I would be the stupidest person to let go a special person in my life

I closed my eyes

Jennie parked near the entrance so Lisa will not having a hard time walking

Jennie parked near the entrance so Lisa will not having a hard time walking

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