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I was very uncomfortable earlier and I know he's a pervert the way he looks at my head to toe, ew!!

But I was thankful Jennie is they're to make him leave already

And now she's here dragging me to her office gently I'm a little bit dizzy there but I can still manage to walk

We went inside and she guided me to the couch and grab water for me to drink

She goes back and hands me the water I gladly accept it and she sat down beside me and hold my other hand

"Lisa yah are you okay?? Do you want me to do something with that ugly boy?? you want me to cancel their investment??" she bombarded me with some questions

"Ani~ I'm okay Jennie yah I'm a little bit hungry right now, how about we go to my apartment and I'll cook?.......please cuddles too, "I just change the topic i font want to cause anymore trouble and pout at her that made her chuckles

"Cuddles for you then, what are we waiting for kajja!! I can't wait to taste your cooking" she said and stand up to me as well and I walked first and hold her hand but she stopped I look at her confused

She looks at me with puppy eyes
"Wae??"I ask her maybe she needs something

"Hug while walking please~," she said while doing aegyo

"But we will cuddle later so wait a little more please, "I said and this is what she did

She get something in her drawer and I saw handcuffs

"He-hey what was that for"I'm a little bit nervous about what she will be doing

"Hey don't be nervous as we're like doing something nasty, but if you want that we can do it too right here and right now," she said that made me choke in the air she patted my back for me and laughed

"Just kidding hon, here you need this," she said and hand me the handcuffs

"What is this for??"I ask her curiously

"Hmm for me you need to be on my side 24/7 and I love being with you now lock it and I know where the keys so no problem" that made my eyes widen and look at her in disbelief

"Are you serious Jennie 24/7 and what about I'll go to the bathroom??"

"Don't tell me you'll go with me in the bathroom" I added and she nodded eagerly I scoffed

"Oh god I'm about to faint here" I mumbled and massage my temple

"Kajja!!"She said and dragged me along with her


"Hon let's go to Jennie's house I miss her so much and her girlfriend is there right? I want to see her too" my husband said while clasping his hands I look at him in disgust he just laughed at his silliness

"jeez hon your not cute to clasp your hand like that but ill text her to let her know cause if we barged in they're I might see nasty things you know our kitten is so naughty if you're wondering"

he chuckles and went to the balcony and get some fresh air "yeah you're right honey you know she can't resist Lisa, you know Lisa is kind and sweet at the same time and handsome, but I'm more handsome than her"

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now