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"Jennie Yah we miss you already and ooH who's this beautiful and handsome at the same time" seulgi said and cling to Irene her girlfriend and this little bunny Nayeon they are my friends who are bugging me when they are all free from their work

"why are you guys even here??" I ask them and raised my left eyebrow

"Why don't you want us here Jennie yah"they pouted I made a disgusted look to them I just ignored them and continue typing on my laptop until I heard

"Yeah I think she doesn't want us here let's go already," irene said and act like they will leave they waited for my signal to stop them but they hear nothing

"Ok we're staying I guess hehe," she said and laugh nervously

"So why are you guys here?"i talk to them calmly and look where they looking as I expected they are all looking at my Lisa smiling like an idiot but Lisa doesn't have time for them cuz she's really busy

Seulgi approaches her first
" hey you new here?"Lisa looked up and shock but smile to her sweetly and nodded

"Hi there beautiful handsome are you single??"she said and disturb Lisa from what her doing

"Uhm hi ooh!by any chance you're Jennie's friends?"she smiled and she stands up and fix her things

They gasped "were so touched, handsome because no one ever dare to talk to us like her old secretaries,Tsk crap them out by the way, are you free today you can join us if you want??cuz instead of this grumpy boss beside your table is busy so are you okay with it?"this bunny is irritating I quickly look at her and said to her that made all of them shock

"Nayeon, you guys just want to disturb us while working, and for your question, sorry she's not available for today cause she's mine already now back off" I cut her off and stand up

"Why??oh! don't tell me?" I nod I know what she means

Seulgi is shocked that made her flinched a little bit"Yah babe your so loud"she said and glared at her girlfriend

Seulgi is shocked that made her flinched a little bit"Yah babe your so loud"she said and glared at her girlfriend

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"Sorry babe I just can't control it,come here I'll just kiss you"as she come to Lisa instead of seulgi

She kiss my Lisa in the cheeks and Lisa is just smile to her slightly
She squealed in my office I quickly glared at her

She kiss my Lisa in the cheeks and Lisa is just smile to her slightly She squealed in my office I quickly glared at her

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"Hey babe I thought you will kiss me"seulgi said in disbelief and get Irene's arm and pulled her beside

"YAH! Do you still need to squeal and kiss her just like that it irritates me"i rolled my eyes and get Lisa's arm and put her beside my chair

"I'm sorry she's really handsome and beautiful I can't control it I'm sorry babe"she said and hugged seulgi but seulgi just stood there like nothings hugging her

"Sorry your face I'll just wait at the car"and Nayeon and me make an O in our mouth and laughed after them

"Babe wait!!!"

"Aishh ok by the way"she was about to follow seulgi but she stopped and look at us

Until Irene noticed I'm holding Lisa like my life depended on it

"Oh it's our first time seeing you possessive to your secretary"irene smirked and nayeon nodded in agreement

"Oh it's our first time seeing you possessive to your secretary"irene smirked and nayeon nodded in agreement

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"Why she's my secretary so she's mine no one can have her except me"I said possessively

"I think you doesn't do that to your old secretaries except for Lisa" Nayeon said and giggles

"I don't want them to touch me or near me"I said and they laughed at me I just ignored them

I heard them gossiping at the corner

"Tsk seriously she don't want them to touch her or near her look at her right now" Nayeon said

"Yeah you're right look how she holds Lisa like her life is depended on it"they laughed I just let them and I'm about to sign again but I heard Lisa called my name so I turned my attention to her immediately

"Yes? Do you need anything? Do you want something?"I bombarded some questions

She just chuckled and look at me and pat my head oh god this is my favorite part when she's doing this to me

"Ms. Kim my shift is done so I'll go home now probably Lucas is waiting for me already because tomorrow he doesn't have school so I'll be the one who'll take care of him for tomorrow"she said and put her hands in her pockets and wait for me to respond

"Uh-uh s-sure h-hon update me when y-you g-get home alright?"I said while stuttering I hear my friends in the corner giggling

These brats I really wanna kicked them out of here already

"Yup, alright I'll go now hon bye bye see you tomorrow hon",she turned her attention to the door but she noticed my friends in the corner "oh bye too girls I'll go ahead"she said and bowed to them slightly

Nayeon fake cry and went to the wall and slide herself down and said

"No way Jennie OMG!!! Don't let go of that girl or else I'll smack your pretty head of yours ,see she's so gentlewomen girl and humble if you see how she treated us earlier"

Irene unnie went towards me and hold my forehead "jennie is that you? Where is our friend the devil one, not this"she said and sit down at my couch

I shake my head and we talk about our lives since we just barely talk about our lives because they're priority is always on me

I know they are crackheads but they are here to cheer me up when I'm feeling down or they don't let me near to kai who cheated on me I'm glad they are my friends now that I'm already change I'm ready to face and marry my Lisa

I-I-I mean try to confess my feelings first

Wait for me Lisa

I love you


My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now