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The door bell rang and Lisa checks it out and I followed her to know who it is

It's jisoo unnie and chaeng and Lucas as well smiling while holding chaeng's hand

"Lucas! Oh my god I miss you my baby!"as Lisa picks him up and Lucas immediately hugged her neck

"Nuwna I miss you too!"Lucas said and cupped her Lisa Noona's cheeks and until he noticed me too

"Jennie nuwna I miss you!"Lucas went towards me and I carried her as well

"Oh, I miss you too Lucas have you eaten?"I asked him feeling curious

He pouted and nod at me cutely that made me pinched his cheeks

"Unnie are you going now?"I asked and put Lucas to Lisa for her to carry him

"Uhm yes we need to go back to hospital and Jennie be a good girl there's a kid with you"jisoo unnie warned me

"What!? I'm not doing anything"I said defensively and look at her in disbelief

"I'm just making sure alright now chipmunk lets go we're going now Lisa!"unnie shouted the last part and waited Lisa to respond

"Okay unnie be careful when you drive!"Lisa replied and went to Lucas at the living room

"Alright! Bye jundeuk!"as she walks away with chaeng holding her hand

I went back to the living room and I saw them watching cartoons

"Look nuwna it's Gru, why did he get bald!"as he pointed the tv

"Yeah do you want to do something Lucas shi?"she asked and she put Lucas at her lap

"I want to watch movies!!"Lucas said cheerfully and started bouncing at Lisa's thighs

I wish I can do that too I'm jealous

"Okay kajja!"lisa said cheerfully and play the movie

I sat beside Lisa and I was about to cling to her until Lucas went towards me and went to the middle

Lucas looked at me with puppy eyes

"Nuwna sowy but Lisa nuwna is mine"unbelievable this kid is really annoying sometimes

I just let it slide for now

After a few hours I noticed Lucas is already sleeping in Lisa's shoulder


"Hmm? What is it baby?" I caress her cheeks

"When are we going back to work?" She asks me about work and I intertwine our hands and look at her

"Maybe next week, are you sure you want to work already?"I'm a bit worried cause she might be hard time working as my secretary for now cause you know I got cancel my appointment for 3 weeks and I'm sure we have a lot of work to do

"Yes Yeobo I'm okay already and I need to go to school too they gave me projects and schoolworks as well and we still have 5 months before I graduate"she pouted at me

"Lisa,do you really want to marry me someday?"I asked her feeling curious I look at her she look at me lovingly

"Yes I'm very sure, let's just be ready for the circumstances that we will encounter, hmm"she kiss my forehead making me blush again

A minutes later I see the two already sleeping in the couch while Lisa's head is on my shoulder and Lucas is on her arms holding him tightly

I want to scream in to much cuteness of this two,I'm looking at Lisa lovingly while she's sleeping in my arms she's really beautiful as ever

I felt my phone vibrated I take a look at it

"Jen can you work already?" Nayeon said curiously

"Uhm yes maybe next week I can go there already"I declared her that I will be working on Monday already

"Oh okay, is Lisa will go to work too or maybe not?"

"Yes, She said she needs to work and study already she have many projects as well but I'm scared she will overwork herself"

"Just look at her time to time jen and don't stress her out"I agree with her and sigh deeply

"Yeah you're right i need to be patient to her too"as we talk a bit more and I didn't notice I fell asleep too beside them

After a few hours the two of them are already awake and here they are playing with toy story

"Oh no woody!"Lucas said and pointed woody in the floor

"Buzz lightyear to infinity and beyond!!"She said and attack the toy

Sometimes I usually think is Lisa is already adult or a kid

I went to kitchen and cook something for them and they immediately followed me and sit in the counter and watches me to cook

"Yeobo, do you want me to help you there"Lisa suggested and about to stand up

"Oh no it's okay Yeobo I can manage and just watch me here if you want you can eat me too"

She bite her lips and look at me seriously and shake her head and pointed at Lucas

She's like warning me but I'm stubborn

She's like saying "don't you dare Yeobo there's a kid here"

I just chuckled softly and went to cook them some foods in the kitchen

After a few minutes

Jennie is done cooking and exclaimed "here it is my two babies!"Lisa just smile and look at Lucas is happily clapping his hands

"Wow! Nuwna can cook me a chicken too? Nuwna jisoo is always eating that too when I'm in there condo"

"Maybe next time baby"I patted his head and went beside Lisa who's eating quietly

"Why are you silent?"I whispered in her ear

"Nothing Yeobo let's eat already the food might get cold"she said and take a bite I noticed she's sweating hard I wiped her sweats using my hand

"Nuwna this is so good can you please cook me this always?"Lucas asked and popped his head out to look at me

"Sure baby if that's what you want"I put my hands in Lisa's legs that make her stop eating

"Such a tease"I heard her mumbled that no one can hear, but me Lucas is eating happily not minding us

"What?"I step closer to her and make an eye contact either intensely making her eyes wide open but back away a bit

"No-nothing Yeobo"she avoid my eye and instead of her closer to me she made her way to Lucas and feeding him making me pout at her

"Yah! Feed me too... daddy~"I mouthed her the last part that made her scoffed

She prepare to feed me as well and I'm like a baby here waiting for her to feed me

"Yeobo it's huge I can't eat that"I make puppy eyes

"I know you can now eat or no cuddle" she warned me so I forced to eat it with my mouth and start munching it

"Good?"I nodded well it's my cook though but then she returned her attention to Lucas again

Ughhh I'm jealous I wish I was Lucas right now



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