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We already packed our things and we're just waiting for my friends to arrive, they texted me they are on the way here already so we are just waiting for them in our house before we leave

"LISAYAH!! WERE HERE!!"moonbyul said and waved at us while she they are approaching us

And I noticed that they have much bigger luggage than mine making me scoff in disbelief

"Sorry Mrs. Manoban we got into traffic" they bowed politely and smile nervously

"No it's okay, so shall we go now?" dad said and put his glasses on

"Let's go nuwna!" Lucas-shi dragged me to the car making me remember Jennie, she's always dragging me everywhere I just shake my head and shrugged it off and help Lucas to go inside the van and all of us moonbyul, ryujin, and seulgi were on the back

"I'm getting excited!"Ryujin said and get her camera ready to capture some pictures of the beach

"Me too Ryujin it's been almost 80 years just kidding now let's just vibe in here!"moonbyul whispered and smile widely making me happier seeing them happy

"Thank you Lisayah" they both hugged me and kissed my cheeks

"Ew! Gross!!"I wipe my cheeks where the part that both of them kissed

"You're so mean!!" we just laughed at seulgi's silliness and there's a lot of laughter inside the van

I noticed were in the airport making me confused so I asked them

"Mom? Why are we here?" I asked them confusedly and look outside while looking at the airport

"Oh, were going to Jeju sweetie"made my jaw drop and widen my eyes


"JEJU?!!"my friends said in unison

My mind is still processing to what i just heard

"J-Jeju?! Are you serious? you didn't tell me where we are going I should have prepared more clothes" as I pout to them

"Don't worry dear! I already did because I know you, it's our first time there so let's enjoy the week!" mom said happily making me squeal again

Oh god I'm about to faint it's been a while since we go on vacations

"Gosh!!! Let's go now!!"seulgi and moobyul dragged me inside the airport

"Aish yah! I have my own feet!"

"Yeah you have lis, but your so slow like a turtle now come here!" they are more excited than me making me shook my head and just follow them my parents said we should turn off our phone so we obliged immediately

I'm happy im with them, they are doing this to make me feel better, im glad they did

Maybe this is the time I'll give you a space Yeobo

We are now at the plane and we are just resting for a while mom and dad as well slept already and seulgi is beside me sleeping peacefully and her mouth was slightly opened while me

I can't sleep because her snores were so loud making me slap her cheeks but still didn't budge AISH

I get a slice of bread and shoved it to her mouth making her slightly flinch and wake up

"Hmm!! Lisa stop!!"She said irritatedly and turn her back to me

"You're the one who should stop cause your snore was so loud you just need to suck that everyone on the plane" she laughed slightly at what I said made me scoff in disbelief

"Alright fine..." as she hugged me like a koala

I look at my side i see moonbyul talking to someone in the phone i just shrugged it off maybe its her family and I didn't notice I fell asleep as well due to the tiredness that I've been feeling since I woke up because of crying at the midnight

After so many hours I felt a tap on my shoulder making me flinch and groaned a bit

"Nuwna, were here awready"

"Nuwna!!" he sat on my lap and started to shake my shoulders for me to wake up

"Okay, okay fine I'm up, see" as I mentally groaned and push myself up and open my one eye, I see Lucas is now hugging my neck

"Okay, are you ready now? Let's go" some of the people are already going out and mom and dad are now waiting for me to wake up maybe I sleep for hours

I get Lucas shi and hold his hand and we go out as well I carefully look at him not wanting him to get out of my sight since it's many people here and my friends are behind me we went out and mom and dad are there already waiting for us

"Okay let's go rest fist?"dad announced as he look at us one by one and we nodded and smiled at mom

We arrived at the Lotte Hotel Jeju first and mom booked us each room I told them ill be resting first since I have jetlag since we arrived I was about to lay again until I heard a yell through my door

"NUWNA! Can I come inside!!" I sigh deeply and open the door and look at mom and dad making their way inside my room

"He wants here with you, so I'll let him here first if it's okay?"

"It's fine mom I would like Lucas to be my company here" as I smiled and take a glance to Lucas who's now jumping at my bed making me shook my head and laughed slightly

"Okay dear, we're gonna rest first you guys as well"i nodded and they leave I closed the door and went back to my bed as Lucas hugged my nape

"You know Nuwna, I mwiss you so mwach!"

"Awe, i miss you too my baby, so what do you want to do for now?" I asked him but i can clearly see hes tired and yawned at me

"Okay i get it, lets sleep first okay?"he nodded cutely and layed beside me as i cover him the duvet, while me im still awake and lean to the headboard as i caress lucas shi's hair for him to fall in a deep sleep

I miss you jennie yah but there's a part of me that im dissapointed as well, i- i thought she trust me so well and willingly to listen to me but im wrong she cant even tried to let me explain even a bit



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