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I still can't move on what happened to park that day I don't know why I want to see her again

I went again to that park but I didn't saw her maybe she's doing something.

I'm here now on my work signing my papers and someone barges into my office that made me startled.

"HI!! Unnie have you eaten already?" Chipmunk said, btw chipmunk is my best-friend in New Zealand since were kids our parents is having a bond always so she go too and that why I met her.

"Nope I didn't why?"I asked while typing in my laptop

"Let's go to coffee shop first to fresh our minds and eat too" I already know what she wants, eating is her hobby as always

"Chaeng I still have something to do,you can go with the others first"
I said but seriously I'm really busy this day I have so many files that I needed

"Unnie just this time,you're always rejecting me when I invite you please just this time"She pleaded to me

*I sigh in defeat*"ok sure just wait me outside"I said in cold tone

"Yeyyy!! Thank you unnie you're the best"she said as she hugged me but I don't want anyone hugging me.

"Ok I'll wait you outside"I just nod and went back to work to save the files and go outside I approached chaeng

"Let's go now"I said and walk away
Not minding her and I heard her shouting

"Yah,Jennie unnie wait for me!"

All of my employees looking at me scaredly as I glanced at them and walk away

Chaeng is behind me and immediately catches up beside me and we walk to my car and go inside and drove away

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Chaeng is behind me and immediately catches up beside me and we walk to my car and go inside and drove away

I see the stop light is red and I followed it and the bus drives next to us and i look at it and I saw the girl who I bumped to yesterday and I saw her again that makes me happy today now * i smile not knowingly* and Chaeng look at me in shock expression

"unnie are you okay?are you sick or something?"chaeng said in surprise tone

"nothing chaeng I'm just happy" I said while smiling

"unnie you're creeping me out ,earlier you are so angry with you're employees and now you're happy?oh my god I'm having goosebumps unnie, i forgot to take a picture of you when you're smiling ugh it's just once in a blue moon"she said and groaned

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now