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I arrived at the Company and all of them are shock because im back

"LISAAAAAA!!!!"making me flinch with a sudden yell and look who it is

"Momo!" I hugged her and she faked cried at my shoulder

"Im glad your back! We're so worried when you suddenly gone" Momo said while pouting at her

"Thank you and yep! i just spend my time with my family and rest for a bit since i've been stressing out so.." i told her and scratch my nape

"Oh okay by the way lisayah i gotta go since we have so many work right now"

"Oh okay sure i need to go as well"as i arranged my bag to my shoulder

"Okay lisa take care!"she said cheerfully while running away

As i went to the elevator and pressed the higher button as i waited til i get there

I knocked 3 times and went inside seeing uncle sitting and auntie is having a tea at the couch while waiting for me

"Oh! Lisa im glad youre here already"Uncle said while smiling at me and to my surprise he hugged me tight making me reciprocate it

I know its rude tho

"Yes uncle, and by the way what are we gonna talk about?"As he motion me to sit down so i obliged

"Its about M—"

"Its about you and jennie getting married!!"auntie suddenly shout and hugged me too excitedly


What the?

I shockingly look at uncle kim who's now massaging his head

"U-uh im sorry about my wife and yes your getting married with my daughter"uncle smiled after to what he just said to me and her wife sat beside him while listening intently

While me i just stood there frozen

"Hey, i know you're shocked with a sudden marriage but i want my daughter to be happy with you, you know i can trust you with her, jennie is not easily falling inlove with someone else and hard to get actually but when her eyes is glistening while her talking about you i see how she really loves you lisa"uncle said seriously making me more nervous as hell

"B-but unc-"he cut me off while i was saying something

"Shh~ just call me dad like jennie wants you to call me, she's actually telling stories about how you guys met"he laughed after he said that

"Yes also me dear, call me mom"she told me teasingly and winked at me

I felt shy a bit and scratched my nape

"Hey no need to be shy,im also like that when i met my wife she's actually offering me a million even though im a millionaire as well just to love her but i did is i truly love my wife even though she doesn't offer me that amount of money,the first i laid my eyes on her, i already knew she's mine"

Dad said dreamingly while looking at his wife

"Awe! I love you honey! Soooo muchh!!"mom said and hugged uncle making me like a thirdwheeler here huhu

Okay it felt a bit awkward, they noticed it too and they sat properly

"So lisa im giving you my blessing to take care of my daughter and live a happy life with her and your kids"

Its like im coughing to all of what he said

I don't want to complain since I like his idea, but it's just shocking

I just got back here in Seoul and i'll be having a family with all of a sudden

"Dont worry dear we've got your back we can pay all your needs" dad walked through the glass window and look at the view


"Hmm yes?" He turned around and look at me

"I will do my very best to make your daughter happy, i love her so much she means the world to me and i know sometimes we've got a little problem but i hope this can still fix our relationship"

But im afraid jennie is maybe not yet ready to get married

Should i take a risk

Someone also said "take a risk or lose the chance" so i need to try my best

"Yes!!! My daughter in law come here!" Im always flinching because of dad's wife

I shyly get near her and she hugged me tight

"Just get us many kids okay?"i was nervously laughed and asked dad for help

"Honey?! Really aigoo youre just like me"

"So lisa here is the plan..."

"Jennie and her friends are are at the mall right now distracting her so you can come here and our plan is dont reply to her chats,calls or anything okay? Is that clear i know its hard but you need to bear it, its worth to wait"

"And then we will set up the event something in the beach and but before we attend there we'll have some fun first"uncle said while wiggling his brows making me chuckled a bit

"Okay uncle i got it!"

"I told you call me dad, why so stubborn you guys are really couple"dad said savagely and rolled his eyes

"Sorry uncle its just that i get used to it"i said shyly and scratched my nape

"Your parents does know about this they are buying some materials needed in your proposal so be ready lisa"

I cant help but to be nervous again

Until someone called to me making me check who it is

I looked at uncle and mouthed "its jennie"

"Dont answer it first"i nodded and let the call just dropped

"Thank you uncle for the blessing" i bowed 90 degrees and hugged him

"Okay go now lisa becareful out there since its almost night"

"Okay dad you too"as i went out and carefully went to the stairs so no one can see me if jennie will ask

I took the cab and turn on the silent mode

"I hope this works god help me"as i prayed while looking outside view

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now