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This girl is trying to kill me in the  the morning she's seducing me but I'm controlling it I don't want her to think that I just want her because of her body but no I loved her very much because I see that she loves me too very much she's so beautiful and caring girlfriend as you guys can see

"I'm done Yeobo!"jennie states and raised her hand like a child

"Good now do you want to cuddle Yeobo?"I suggested her and she immediately nodded I just went to the table and drink water

"Yeobo hurry! Come here already"I signaled her to wait by my hand and gulping the water as I see in my peripheral vision side of my eyes I see Jennie staring at me intensely I just rolled me eyes this girl is such a tease

As I approached the bed and started to lay down and after that Jennie immediately grabbed me and hugged me tight at my side

As I remain calm and hugged her as well

"Your so warm..."jennie said and pull me closer to her

"You're so cold"I said to her directly in her eyes

"Mmh that's why I like your warmth"I just chuckled at her and I started to massage her head for her to fall asleep again

As I noticed Jennie is asleep I slowly went to get my phone but I hear some text in Jennie's phone

It's her employee

Ms. Joo:
Ms. Kim when will you come back at the company some papers and files are waiting and some of our investors wants to talk to you.

What should I do? They still didn't know that I'm dating my boss, should I tell them? No we're still not yet ready we need to talk about this we can't hide this for so long. I'm glad it's just a text or if not i might be freaking out right now

Maybe I can tell her later she's already in deep sleep already I don't want her to wake up and get headaches

I slowly get my phone and scroll down as I heard Jennie groaned and she went closer to my nape and kiss it that made me tickles

"Yeobo~"I hummed in response and caress her hair

"I want vanilla ice cream"she requested me and look at me with puppy eyes

"Okay I'll buy you just rest here"until o feel a small hand gripping the hem of my shirt I sigh deeply and look at her

"Can I go with you pwease~"she suggested while looking at me

"Kajja!"as we change clothes and walk through the park we saw some kids running around and couples hanging out and some of them are taking pictures

"Yeobo there!"as she pointed the ice cream vendor so we went there and buy her some ice cream

" one vanilla ice cream please" I said politely and give him money

While we are waiting a baby girl from nowhere hold the hem of my shirt making me kneel down to her

"Hey there kid, where's your parents?"as I immediately look for her parents around the park

"They just went somewhere and I don't know where, noona?"I hummed in response and look at her waiting for her to answer

"C-can you buy me a chocolate ice cream?"that made me smile actually

"Sure no problem just wait here"I told her as she sat down beside the vendor and wait for her ice cream

"Mr. please add one chocolate ice cream"as he nod and gave me the ice creams and I gave it to Jennie who's here beside me waiting for me to finish

"Here kid"I said and hand her the ice cream

"Thank you noona! What's your name?"as she tilted her head making me giggle in cuteness

"I'm Lisa noona and you are?"as I cupped her cute chubby cheeks that made her tickles

"I'm Areum unnie thank you for giving me an ice cream"as she went close to me and kiss my cheeks that made me giggle

"No problem Areum"as I pat her head and her mom went to us

"Areum! Thank god you're just here"as she approached Areum and check her body if their is a bruise or none and until she notices us

She must be her mom, i thought

"Oh, hi im sorry to trouble you guys but thank you for looking after my daughter"she bowed at us and we returned it as well we didnt want to be rude to other people

"No problem miss, we gotta go now bye Areum! Until we meet again"as i hugged the baby girl and she giggles at me and bowed too

"I hope we meet again unnie thank you!"she waved her hands and proceed walking with her mom while waving at us

"You really like kids?"i turned my attention to Jennie who's done eating her ice cream, that fast oh god i replied to her

"Yeah, i loved kids" as we walk through the bench near to us and we sat and look at the view

I smiled and look at her i saw her smilingwidely to me

"Why?"as i asked her because she's been smiling at me while were walking

"Nothing im just imagining us having a family already"as she cling to my arm while looking at me with puppy eyes

I just hummed in response and we sat there for an hour and we decided to go home already and we need to eat because its already afternoon and we still havent eating anything

When we go home i place the ingredients to the kitchen and ready to cook lunch and i was suddenly startled when an arms snake around my waist making me look back

I saw jennie hugging me so tight, shes so clingy today

"Yeobo, i want to cook for you please~"she said with aegyo voice

"I'll just help you yeobo" and she agreed as well and we cooked there for 20 minutes and after that, I remembered that her secretary texted her earlier and she haven't checked her phone since earlier

"Yeobo your employee texted you earlier, they said they need you because some investors want to talk to you and they need us already there, and I want to work already"

"Are you sure yeobo? Can you manage yourself already?" honestly im already okay but this mandu doesn't want me to go to work but you can't blame me it's so lonely here I don't have someone to talk to when she's not around and her friends and my friends are busy as well so I want to work and earn already and I want to treat her near her company

"Yes of course yeobo I can handle myself already and it's been 3 days and im sure im fine already" I assure her and hold her hand and she just sighs deeply and looks at me

"Alright yeobo but if you feel something else just let me know yeobo" and she take a bite after she said that

I can earn money and ill surprise her in our monthsary just wait for it yeobo you'll love it

I smiled imagining her reaction already as we continue eating our own food



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