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I woke up I saw Jennie staring at me

She still even beautiful even she doesn't put make up

"Hon good morning"she says and go near to my crook of my neck and kissed it that made me tickles

"Good morning too ho—Hahha hon s-top it hahaha it t-tickles haha"I said while trying to stop her from tickling me

Until she stopped but she kiss me 5x I remembered I still haven't brushed my teeth yet, my cheeks heated up and I felt shy all of the sudden

I covered my mouth and she's confused why I covered my mouth

"Why are you covering your mouth hon??"She ask while tilting her head and pout

I just shake my head as a no

"I need words hon" She said and sat up and crossed her arms

"Blah~~~just kidding I still haven't brushed my teeth yet so don't kiss me first"I said and I cover my whole body in duvet cause she might see my face already red as tomato

She just giggled and hugged me tighter

"Hon I don't care if you didn't brushed your teeth yet"she said and trying to get my hands off my mouth I shake my head as a no

But she still insisting to remove my hands I'm shocked she removed it and kiss me hungrily

As far as I know I'm stronger than her

*I did not respond cause I'm embarrassed to kiss back she might smell it hihihi*

She pulled away and look at me

"Hon kiss me please"she said and cupped my cheeks so I can't avoid it

She kissed me again but this time I responded to her

After 5 minutes we pulled away for oxygen and smile at each other

I was about to stand up but she hold my waist not letting me go

"Hon I need to clean myself already I'm already late at our work come on get up now"I was trying to remove her arms but she's refusing it and tightens her hold into me

What a clingy mandu we got here

"But Hon I'm the CEO of that company so I'm ordering you to stay here with me"I mentally faced palm I tried to wiggle and successfully remove her arms around me and I quickly got up

"No!hon comeback it's cold"she said

"Then cover your body if it's cold"I replied back and started to walk away

I was ready to open the door but I got pulled by this mandu who's really clingy right now

"No! i won't let you go that easily it's warm when you hugged me so come on 5 more minutes hon, I really wanna cuddle you."she says while pouting

I sigh in defeat "fine, just 5 minutes hon okay"she nodded eagerly and hurriedly put our duvet a cover and hugged me really tight.

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now