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"Oh are you perhaps the investor?"I ask him making sure before him going inside

"Yes it's me and by any chance your her secretary am I right?" I nodded to him and smile

"Oh I actually want to have a meeting with her in just the two of us maybe in the cafe"he said to me and I nodded understanding him but I can't help but to feel jealous

"Uhm maybe you can adjust her time if it's okay?"I glance at sehun before answering him

"Uhm sir I don't know maybe you can just ask ms. Kim about it"I told him as I put my hand back so he can't see that I'm clenching my hands tight

But little did they know jihyo noticed it as she smirk knowing the situation

"Oh okay is she available today?"he asked me, this boy is really getting on my nerves

"She's still busy sir maybe later at the meeting you can tell her"I smile  slightly

"Oh okay just tell her I'll be waiting at the lobby"I just nodded at him and him walking out I glare at him without him knowing

"I feel something fishy and what is that?"jihyo approached my desk as I sit down

"Huh? Nothing" I turned my attention to my laptop

"Tell me do you have a relationship with ms Kim?"that made my eyes widen its too soon to them to know our relationship

"H-huh w-what are you talking about? J-just get back to work jihyo"I told her a bit nervous when I said that

"Okay? As you say so it's pretty obvious right guys?"I glanced at them and shake my head as they agreed to jihyo

"Yeah I actually saw them super close with each other"

" me too I agree with them"

"Will you just gossip about it or will you guys work"I said irritatedly and stand up going to ms. Kim

I knock and she told me to come in

"Ms. Kim you have a meeting with Cha eunwoo later at lunch you better get ready"I just told her and put her ice cream down and she was about to speak

"O-okay Yeobo—-"I bowed dine and leave immediately

That audacity of that boy I'm more handsome and tall than him Tsk I went to meeting room


what just happened to Lisa she quickly leave

I went outside to know what happened and just now jihyo was walking in front of me with paper works in her hands and I knew she was next to Lisa's desk so I stopped her

"Jihyo wait"I grabbed her arm slightly

"Yes ms. Kim need anything?"she asked I just shake my head and told her what happened to Lisa

"Uhm by any chance do you know what happened to Lisa she's a bit moody earlier and quickly leave my office?"her face dropped and her jaw dropped but remain cool

"Ah because earlier Cha eunwoo asked Lisa if its okay in the cafe he just said you two have a meeting and if you're available later so maybe she's a little bit jealous"she said and the others our looking at us too so I just nodded but deep inside I'm really happy

Knowing Lisa is jealous that means she really loves me

"Okay thanks jihyo go back to work now"I was trying to stop my smile and jihyo just look at me confusedly I was about to walk but jihyo stopped me

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