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"nuwna! Wake up!!" Lucas said making me groan and peak if its already morning and i see its still a bit dark making me sat down but my eyes are still closed

"lucas its still night time let noona sleep first please" i said and i was about to lay down again i dont care if i look ugly right now i wanna sleep so much but someone barged in again making me rolled my eyes and cover myself a blanket trying to sleep again

"Lisayah!!" Ryujin shouted i had a feeling that she is approaching me already, she ran at me and she gave all her weight i pushed her face away from me making her pout at me

"Yah! You monkey were just waiting for you at the lobby, youre parents are there also, now get up"seulgi said while dragging my arms and ryujin caught my both feet they both dragged me to the bathroom i heard lucas was laughing at the bed making me smile as well

"Yah! You guys! Put me down!!"i struggled to get my both arm and feet

"You better go clean yourself or else will leave you here alone"I sigh deeply and decided to give up

"Alright, fine now put me down"they both stared at each other before they slowly put me down as they finally put me down i pinch their waist making them groaned in pain i started also to pinch their ears

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Lisayah let go! It hurts you monkey!"

"Yeah aw! Let go unnie"

I glared them as i retrain myself

"Ill follow you guys, Lucas?"i turned my attention to lucas whos now playing at the bed

"Yes nuwna?"he said and went near me i picked him up and he instantly put his arms around my neck and i spoke

"Would you go with your unnies first? I promised ill follow"

"Okay nuwna ill just pway with unnies first better huwry nuwna"i nodded and kiss him in the cheeks i put lucas to ryujin first and they went out as i sigh deeply and lean through the door of the bathroom

What could jennie be doing right now? I hope shes fine and happy

I started to sob again knowing that i let go of my girl but i shake my head and wipe my tears

"Its for the best"

I clean myself and went to the lobby

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled and approached them making them look at me

"Oh dear, what took you so long, now come on lets go to the beach already"mom told us as we walk down to the beach already lucas was now running happily to the sand and dad quickly followed him

"So you guys enjoy our vacation at Jeju shall we?"

"Lets go!!"My friends and i run to the water and splashed them water

Mom and dad and lucas are at the vacant lot and put the foods down and we started to take a pictures first and lucas started running around and mom as well because they are playing making me smile widely in sight of them, happily

"Wahh! Youre really good lisayah!"they complimented me as they saw the pictures that i took them and i smile

"Of course i got it from my dad"i looked back and wink at dad making him shakes his head and we laughed

"Its feels so good to be in vavation after we are in hell at the school right lis?"

"Yeah i miss this feeling,.." as i closed my eyes and feel the breeze running through my skin

"Lisa! Seul moonbyul and ryujing come here first lets eat before we swim!" Mom called us making our way tot he vacant sit and we started eating,

"HMMMM!! This is so good auntie! Youre the best!" Ryujin said and make a thumbs up to mom i wouldnt lie though mom is really good at cooking thats what i got from her

"Aigoo thank you ryujin ah ill make you more if you want" mom suggested and fix her hair

"I would love too auntie we love your cookings"We continue to eat

"and after that we rest for a bit and now lucas was now excited to swim since hes the first one to finish his food In too much excitement

"Nuwna huwry!"he said excitedly while shaking his both hands

Too much cuteness

"Okay okay ill just finish this my baby okay?"he nodded and wait for me to finish mom and dad are still eating

He played beside me first as i eat my food happily

This is really good i hope i can make this one as well one day

" uhm Lucas?" Mom interrupted him first as i look at mom confusedly

"Yes mom?"

"Can you accompany dad at our hotel room first?"as mom said that lucas quickly obligued and dad quickly pick him up as he nodded at me and leave

"Lisa dear?"

I hummed in response as i drank my water and wiped my mouth and look at mom seriosly

"I know something was off"i looked down as i gulped and glance at her

"You can tell me"I sigh as my friends comforted me by caressing my back

"U-uh mom me and jennie broke up"i heard a small gasped and cover her mouth as she heard what i told her

"Why what happened?"

"Its just a misunderstanding mom but jennie took it seriously she didnt even let me explain my side because she saw me and jungkook kissing but it was all forced i dont really want it but hes stronger than me  and i quickly understand her she also needs space for that and i knew that i hurted my love of my life"i said sadly and sigh

"You know lisa sometimes we also needed time to think and space because we are hurt, and i knew inside of you that you are dissapointed, let her be first and try to fix yourself, we are aware that you are crying all night since we heard you crying hard all of us are worried for the both of you, we are here for you and jennie were always there by your side and i know jennie, shes like my own daughter to me as well, all of us are making mistakes, and if you guys are ready to fix and talk about it, we will be glad you guys will be okay"as mom hold my hand and caress it

I nodded and in understanding and hold her hand too

"Thank you mom..."i said sincerely and wiped my little tears

"Youre always welcome, dear"

"Stop crying monkey! you look like an ugly monkey!"seulgi said as me and mom laughed at her own silliness and we started to clean the disges first so later we will just rest mom was cleaning the table and i was the one whos washing the dishes right now

Lucas went near mom to wipe his back because its full of sweats since he played with dad

"Eomma, unnie, look! Unnie is here!!"lucas exclaimed and pointed the person hes reffering to as mom sand i both look at the direction that made me shock i didnt expect her to go here

"J-j-jennie?!!"i thought and widen my eyes as we made eye ontact making me averted it to other direction

What the hell is she doing here?



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