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Mom already get Lucas from us because he had school today and  I'm going to work already Jennie is hesitating at first but agreed finally

Cause I have a surprise for her for our monthsary and I'll buy her a something special not that expensive but memorable

We are here already in the company I distance myself from Jennie because they still didn't know that I'm her girlfriend now and sometimes I think I might ruin her reputation and I don't want that to happen.

therefore, Jennie notices it that I distanced, shes really stubborn but I let it slide, she cling to my arm

"Don't stress yourself too much alright I'll ask other employees to do that if they have time"she whispered and we went to elevator once it's close already Jennie hugged me from the side

I rubbed her arms "no need to do that Yeobo you'll just disturb them and I can do it... trust me"I assure her and we got out and act normal

I went to my desk and ready all her appointments for later and I got up to get the files that we needed to do I'm holding my paper works to go down to the elevator and wait for it to open

"Lisa! You're back!"sehun exclaimed and hugged me tight

"Silly of course"as I pulled out the hug and smile slightly

"So... do you want me to help you with that?"he suggested and look all the paper works that I'm holding

"Oh, no it's okay sehun I can manage"I assure him

"Okay Lisa! If you need help I'm right there just call me alright?"he said cheerfully and I nodded and smile and went inside the elevator

I heard my phone vibrated so I check it out who is it

I see you Yeobo don't flirt, behave.

That made me gulp and nervously stared at it

Oh god she's scary again

I'm not Yeobo😉

Just making sure, alright love you please call me if you needed something

Copy that mandu alright gotta go now love you too Yeobo

Okay bye please come here later

Okay bye

I put my phone in my pocket and th elevator dings and open I walk away and went to Momo Hirai the new employee here and I went to her desk

"Uhm Ms. Hirai?"she turned her attention to me and bowed I bowed slightly as well and went near her to give her the files

"Here is the files you need for later and later come with me with Ms. Kim we have something to do"she nodded at me happily and she replied

"Okay Ms. Manoban thank you for this"she thanked me and I smile and went back to my desk and I see Jennie staring at me lovingly

I furrowed my brows and looks like she need something so I went near her

"You need something Ms. Kim?"i bowed before talking politely

"Only... you...come here hugged me I need my energy"I look outside if anyone is looking,I hurriedly went to her and hugged her as well

"Ah,this feels nice please let's stay like this for awhile"I shake my head as a disagreement

"No Yeobo they'll see us"

"Then I don't care if they see us like this"she hugged me more tightly

I sigh defeatedly I can't win to Jennie kim

I let her for a few minutes and I pulled out the hug

"Ahh! I'm not done yet I'm still not yet fully charged"

"Eat food you'll have energy for later"that made her pout at me

"Can we? After this can I have a reward?"she said making me furrowed my brows

"What reward?"I ask innocently

"AISH this one!"she went up to her sit and grabbed my nape I'm completely shocked until her lips connected to mine

I stunned on my position and later she pulled it out

"Now I know that I'm fully energized now thanks for that"she pointed my lips and wink at me

"Oh god you didn't ask for permission first"

"Oh should we try again?"she said again teasingly here she goes again and she put her arms around my nape

I look outside and thank god there's no one looking at us

"Nope not for now get ready Ms. Kim you have an appointment for later"I'm ready to leave but I was beyond shocked when she back hugged me

"I miss you already"

"But were just here a few minutes ago"I chuckled and let go

"You made me like this how can you blame me if I have a girlfriend who's sexy, cute, caring and gentlewomen and the last but not the least handsome and pretty at the same time"

"Well it's from the Manoban blood" i smirk and I heard her laugh and I bowed at her and leave

I'm now here at the cafe it's my lunch break and Jennie just texted me

Lisayah eat well alright later I'll check you after I sign all the papers

Okay Yeobo don't tired yourself arachi?(understand)

Yes daddy~ just kidding love you Yeobo

Okay Yeobo love you too, do you want something so I can buy it now?"

Just vanilla ice cream Lisayah it's enough

Alright I'll hang up now I'll give it to you later bye

Bye daddy~

I just shake my head and hung up the phone i quickly finished my food and I bought Jennie the ice cream she wants

I retuned to he company and they are getting ready for the meeting later so I hurriedly went to my desk and ready all what Jennie needs for later

I still have a few minutes before the meeting starts so I went to Jennie's office

I slight opened the door and peaked of she's there and I saw her typing in her laptop she might be really busy so I didn't want to enter I might disturb her as well

I put the ice cream down and think what surprise should I do I need help of jisoo unnie I'll call her later

And therefore someone talked to me making me look up to know who is it

"Hi I'm cha eunwoo I'd like to see ms. Kim for the meeting"he said politely and fix his suit he might be the new investor



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