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I'm already here at the bus stop I can feel someone is following me since I went out of the building

So after the bus stopped in front of me I quickly get in and went to the back seat

I texted my mom that I'm on my way home already for her not to worry about me

I heard my phone ring sound so I check it out and answer it

Mandu🥟🥟 9:38 PM
"Lisa yah I miss you already can we talk tonight just the two of us, this is important"

Its making me wonder

Me 🐵🐵 9:39 PM
"Uhm sure, as in right now?"I told her cause it's already night it's our rest time but I'll give her time maybe she has a problem or she just want to talk to me or confess something *I squealed slightly*but realized something were just in contract no connections to each other I only realized it today maybe she's just using me because of her boyfriend, kai *I quickly stop and hold my phone tight and look outside*.

Mandu🥟🥟 9:40 PM
"Y-yeah, let's meet up in the park I'll wait for you hurry up I miss you I wanna hug you already."

Me 🐵🐵 9:41 PM
"Okay wait for me there" I only said and a little bit of cold tone

Mandu🥟🥟 9:42 PM
"Where are you already hon??"

Me 🐵🐵 9:43 PM
"Still in the bus just wait there"

Mandu🥟🥟 9:44 PM
"O-okay h-hon be careful alright, I love you"I only heard the first part I didn't understand the second so I ask again

Me 🐵🐵 9:45 PM
"What I didn't hear you clearly"

Mandu🥟🥟 9:46 PM
"A-ah I said be careful on your way here that's it call me again if you're already here alright" she seemed nervous

Me 🐵🐵 9:47 PM
"Hmm sure, is that it? cause I'm almost there at the park"I'm still not believing she only said be careful cause I heard it slightly but not clearly after that but I just shrugged it off

Mandu🥟🥟 9:48 PM
"Alright bye hon I'll wait here" I can imagine she's smiling widely through the phone call

Me 🐵🐵 9:49 PM
"Hmm alright bye"I end the call and I feel the bus stop at the park so I went out immediately I walk slowly towards the park I smile at the scenery it's really beautiful here it's giving me peace of mind

I can see Jennie with her bodyguards with her so I called her name that catch her attention and I saw her smile widely when she saw me I walk slowly towards her but something happens I feel someone is running towards me so I look back I saw a person but I can't see it faces he's wearing a black hoodie and a mask he pulled something on his back

He stabbed me

On my stomach and quickly leave I can feel the pain

It hurt so much

I held what he stabbed me and look at it I saw blood dripping I slowly kneeled and I heard my name being shouted but I didn't look back I fall I'm breathing heavily

"LISA YAHH!!!"Jennie shouted my name and quickly run towards me and she put my head in her lap

I saw her bodyguards run after the one who stabbed me and the two bodyguards stayed to look after us

She's already crying her heart out I can't see her like this I wanna hug her but I can't I feel numb right now

"Lisa, Lisa please don't close your eyes please please!!" as she said and cry and she's shaking and caress my cheeks

"I-I can't"I'm slowly closing my eyes but Jennie tapped my cheeks rapidly for me to wake up

"NO HON YOU CAN!!, JAMES CALL AN AMBULANCE HURRY!!!" And she wiped her cheeks but her tears still falling from her eyes

"H-hon, "I said but blood come out from my mouth

"NO! NO DON'T TALK P-PLEASE JUST STAY HERE B-BESIDE ME PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ARASSO!" she said for me to hear what she said and help me to stop the bleeding

" J-Jennie yah, "I said and hold her cheeks

"D-don't c-cry p-please," I said but instead of stopping to cry she cried loudly

"J-Jennie I-I love y——"I was about to say something but I passed out already and a tear dropped from her eyes


"J-Jennie I-I love y——" She was about to confess but she passed out already that made me panicked

"James where is the ambulance already!!!"

"They're on their way ms Kim," he said and help me to stop the bleeding

I heard the ambulance siren so I told James to carry Lisa and bring it to them and I went into the car ambulance and hold Lisa's hand

Please don't leave me lisayah I love you please you're the only one who made me like this please I need you in my life, please

I don't know what I'm going to do if you leave me I can't take it please survive!

"Sir, drive faster the patient is losing so much blood! We need to get there immediately!" the nurse said and get something to stop the bleeding and the mother nurse get an oxygen

I'm crying right now in front of them but I don't care I only think right now is Lisa the love of my life is suffering

"Arasso!!" the driver said and drive faster my car is behind my bodyguards following us for our safety

We've arrived 5 minutes after that and I Ran to Lisa whose on the bed right now and running to the operating room  and I'm holding her hand I'm afraid to let it go.
"Lisa please fight! Please fight for me please, please," I said and hold her hands tight and follow them,

Once we reached the door the nurse stopped me

"ms Kim I'm sorry but you need to stay here," she said calmly

I shake my head I'm refusing it I don't want Lisa to be alone there she needs me

"No please she needs me there inside please let me in"I wiped my tears and my eyes are swollen right now

"I'm sorry ms Kim but we need to operate her right now, you need to stay here ms Kim"she said and close the door I break down and cried I took my phone out and sobbed hard

Lisa, I still have to confess to you earlier but someone ruined it ughh!

I remember what jongin said before he leaves the office yesterday I clenched my fist super tight

I'll make him pay for this, I'll make him suffer if I have to

I called my private investigator and told him about the incident at the park he said he'll just update me

"I'll fucking bury you alive if I know who you are"

"Lisa please stay with me please don't leave me"



Made by : jendeukimandu27

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