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"But jen we still need to bond with each other you know we barely see each other we missed you" i said to jennie who's now about to leave because of her work but no! We need to stop her from going there since uncle texted us that lisa is already here and she will be going to her office to talk to uncle about the marriage

"Irene unnie i still have something to do you know im the CEO of the company i have many clients waiting" she reasoned out

"Just this time unnie please~~~"nayeon pleaded cutely while her hands interwined making it more cute

"Your second secretary can handle it trust me jen"Chaeng said while smirking without jennie notice

She sigh deeply and sat down again i bit my lip


Lisa! Hurry up!!!

We spend our time here in the restaurant and we dragged her to the arcade and have some fun for a bit

"Girls sorry but i really need to go now"
Making both of us look at each other

"But jen~~"nayeon fakely cried and hugged me making me reciprocate it

"Unnie its time for plan B"she whispered to me and i nod as a respond as she let go suddenly and look at jen

"Unnie please just this time we really need you in our side right now"she sobbed hard and act like she was having a hard time breathing and slowly kneeled down

What a great acting you got there

"He- hey! Nayeon! What the hell?! Are you okay!! Unnie help!"she assisted nayeon to the chair and jisoo is here to assist as well

"Nayeon you okay? Gosh" chaeng exclaimed while smirking at jennie's back

I shaked my head and give nayeon some water so she cant suspect something fishy

"Here, i got you some water, jen please just spend time with us,look nayeon is sad" i said making her having second thoughts

"Is your work is more important with u-us now" Nayeon said while sobbing while looking at jennie sadly

"Its not like that, its just that i need to finish all that so i can spend more time with you guys"she said sincerely making chaeng melt with a sudden confession with jennie's relationship with her friends

"Please stay with us first" i told her and caress nayeon's back

"Fine,ill just call my second secretary"she walked away and we checked if she's out of sight we high five and smirk

"See? I can audition right now for being an actress" Nayeon said proudly as she flip her hair

"Yes now you have a reward we'll treat you later" i said and shake my head

"Awee yes! Free food!"She hugged me happily but with a sudden person interact them making her face sad again they might get caught

"Okay i took a half day guys so where are we now? Nayeon your okay now?"nayeon clapped and hugged jennie like a koala

"Is she even 25?" Chaeng chuckles while looking at nayeon right now

"Maybe 5 i guess"

We tried to go shopping with her and this mandu really likes shopping so we ended up being her bagger she's infront of us now like a boss

"Does this have a payment for being a bagger for a day?" I said while trying to carry all those things that jennie bought

"You can guys buy all you want, here"She handed us the black card in her Chanel wallet

"Wow! Instant shopping nice!" Chaeng even said while carrying all the bags jennie handed to her

"Shut up unnie you have your own"she rolled her eyes

Typical jennie kim

As i see her furrowed i approached jennie and hand it with jisoo all of it

"Wow! Yahoo! Im having a hard time here, and your adding more?! Just wow"jisoo said sarcatically

"Hey jen?"i started the conversation with her and stand up beside her

"Hmm? Sorry yeah?"she seems occupied to something

Base on her face its easy to read because we've known each other for years now

"Do you have a problem? You can tell it to me"

"No, its just that Lisa is not texting or calling me since yesterday im getting worried at her"she said while looking at her phone while biting her lower lip

"Maybe she's just busy jen, you know her parents and her brother needs her as well"i told her to convince her

"Yeah, i think youre right,i should understand her always"as she nod understandingly and put her phone in her pocket

"So lets go?"

"Where to?"


"Your still not yet done?!"

"Do you plan on killing us jennie kim look at jisoo right now"

"Pfft! Dont worry about unnie thats her way to support her sister, right unnie?"she said and wink at unnie and laughed

"Aigoo thank me your my sister or else i already shave your hair"we laughed more because of jisoo

"Just kidding Unnie there's our butler at your back hand it to them instead"

"What the?! Why are you guys just standing there! Help us! God ive been having a hard time here"

"Im sorry ma'am"as jisoo handed it all to them while she's looking at them higly beacuse they are so tall and muscular

"Tsk! Thank you, you would be taller than me if I hadn't beaten you up"jisoo rolled her eyes

"Hey jisoo come here now"i told her as i grabbed her hand and we went to other malls



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