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I was nowhere sitting in one of the chairs while she's sobbing hard while apologizing to me

Its making my heart clench seeing her crying in front of me so i looked away

"Lisa,baby im really sorry you know my past got me too much pain and suffer too much please baby forgive me~"

I was just quietly staring at her

"I-i will try to change just for you, because your the one who gave me the light when i was in the dark place that i am nowhere to be found,but you did found me, i became the l-luckiest girl that i met someone like you," She told me sincerely and hold my hand and started caressing it

"L-lisa will you give me a-another chance to fix us again?"she was actually nervous i can see it through her eyes

Should i give her a chance?

I was just quiet looking down to my food making her understand what that means but she's wrong

"Show me then"i clearly see she was now shock to what i told her second ago

"W-what?"she utterly said and her eyes wide open

"Show me that you will really change because i forgive you already and please don't break the chance that i have given you"i told her sincerely and smile

She immediately stand up and approach towards me and making my balance loose with a sudden hug she gave to me,thank god i manage to keep us in stance

"Woah chill mandu!"i chuckles making her look up to me and pout


"I miss that"she snuggled to my neck and hugged me more tighter

"I missed you so damn much love!"she kissed my cheeks and hug my nape

"You missed me that much?"i asked her and caress her back since shes still sobbing but now cutely

Wanting me to put her in my pocket

"Yes 1,000% sure"

"Aigoo lets eat first jennieyah i know you had a hard time im sorry..."i apologized and we sat across each other and began to eat

"Yes but i manage lisayah no need to say sorry please because we knew were both at fault so please lisayah...and please stay away from that man it makes me sick"she looked down and pout

I looked at her curiously "what do you mean by that?"

"That ugly jackson is always sticking to you, wanting me to slap him so hard"she said annoyingly and looked at me while here i am forcing myself not to laugh at her

But she notices it making her brows furrowed and crossed her arms

"Whats funny?"she said coldly making me gulp in nervousness

"N-nothing"i looked away

"Your surpressing your laugh earlier means something is funny to what i told you"she said savagely and rolled her eyes

Oh God shes back to being savage again HELP!!

"Okay chill hon"i chuckles and i went near her and hild her hand

"Hey you know,he's like that when we are still a kid"making her brows more furrowed and look at me intently

"So you knew each other since kids?tsk!"she crossed her arms and looked away and pout


"Apparently he's my—"

"Your what?!!"making me surprised with sudden burst out and she even glared at me

"Hey,hey! Calm down hon"i caress her back but she avoided it

"Like i told you,He's my—"she likes cutting me off

"He's your what?! Your ugly boyfriend?"i facepalmed when she said that making me close my eyes

"Does he love you like i do?"she said sadly and pout at me

"Of course he is because he's my own brother!"i seriously said but a bit faster because i knew she will cut me off again

"Hmm yes and the— WHATTTTT?!!!"she was shockedto what i told her

"Hes my brother jen"i smile to her

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?"she faked cried and cover her face

"Maybe now your brother hates me"she look down and pout sadly

"Hey no hon,hes actually happy that your proving your love to me since you came here unexpectedly but he is hon,trust me,he tried to test you if you will get jealous or not if not means you dont love me anymore but i was actually happy about it"when i told her that she was now looking at me and sobbed hard

"Lisayahhhhhhh i love you so muchhhh"she whined and hugged me

"Aigo this kid i wonder who's more older her or me" i facepalmed again but caressing her back to calm her

"Hey you didnt respond to my i love you to you, do you want to die early?"she said making me chuckles cutely and cupped her cheeks

"Hey hon calm down here, i love you so so very much"i kissed her in her lips when i said that to her sincerely and she gladly responded to it

"I love you more..."she said also sincerely making me more blush to what she said

"Oh come on hon! I have more effect on you!!"she laughed so hard making my eye roll

"Stop it! Jennieyah!"i glared at her and went back to my sit and continue eating while her, she cant stop laughing at me

"Sorry,sorry its just that you are really cute when angry"she told me honestly and wipe the tears beside her eyes because of laughing her ass out

"Should i take that as a compliment?"i said savagely and laughed after when i saw het face like a ghost

"Hon!"she whined and we continue to eat and make up the times were seperated to each other

She's now looking at me lovingly as the same as i do

"I will not let you go again,never again..."she said seriously and hold my hand

"I'll fix us together lisayah"i nodded to her and hold her hand also

"No, lets fix us.."i smiled to her widely

"I remember i should say sorry to your brother"she said and laugh nervously

"You definitely should"as we continue eating our food ang make up those days we are not together



My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now