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"The one and only handsome jackson oppa in the world!!"he yelled happily making my way to him and hugged him tight making us stumbled in the floor

"Oh! Are you okay jackson oppa?"i said worriedly and he nodded quickly and pat my head

"Yeah nothing change still the baby that i know"he cupped my cheeks and squished it

"A-aw! That hurts"i pouted to him and pull his hand to pull him up since we stumbled earlier

"Oh sorry! Now i know your curious why I'm here? its because i have an appointment to my clients earlier here so we meet up and then i was about to head back home but i see you here that made me follow you and im the one who texted you and ill be surprising our family if you help me ill give you choco uyu!"he said and smiled

"Tsk. Okay fine so whats the plan?"i wiggled my brows

He told me the plan and i agreed immediately i was still talking until he cut me off

"Lis wait"

"Hmm yes oppa?"i asked him and looked at him with my full attention

"I still have something to tell you.."he looks nervous making me hold his hand

"Okay? Then tell me now"i was totally curious what will he gonna say he sigh before speaking

"U-uhm i...i...im courting someone!"he finally admitted as i nodded and answered him

"Oh oka—- WHATT! WHO?! WHEN?!! AND WHERE!??"i was totally chill earlier but his words sinc in to my mind

"I-its my workmate ive been courting her 10 months from now"my mouth went in O form and smirk

"I wanna meet her"i said excitedly and crossed my arms while looking at him

"A-arent you mad at me?"he asked me making me furrowed my brows

"Why would i? atleast your not alone like the old times oppa i dont want that, im really happy you already courting that someone"that made him teary eyed and hugged me tight

"Hey Oppa don't cry shh..."I caress his back to calm him down

"Oh! Ah its just that I just got touched to what you said"he wiped his tears and laughed at me

Sometimes i really think my brothers loose some screws in his head literally earlier he was just crying his heart out now laughing at me

I looked at him in disbelief

"Okay okay ill stop aish why you need to be so cute"he squeeze again my cheeks making me glare at him

"So lis are you ready?"

"Of course i was born ready with surprises!!" I said proudly and laughed i bet he didnt know what happened to me and jennie so i let it pass

"Okay! Lets go!"i said cheerfully and dragged him already

"But wait i was planning if i can make her jealous by you" he said while we are now walking out

"What? Why me?!"

"Do you have any complain my dear sister?"he crossed his arms making me gulp

"N-none actually" and look away and pout

"Okay lets go! its on me dont worry"he wink at me making me puke

We were now hiding at the corner where we can see the sight of our family who's mow enjoying our vacation here

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now