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I was now here at my school I've been doing my projects since I went home I was really about to sleep but I wondered if I did all what I need to do but sadly my project deadline is next day I haven't been starting even a bit so I'm in a hurry right now

I was struggling to hold all of my materials until a hand appears in my materials I was shocked who could it be?


"Hi! Lisa! Let me help you with these"he said and showed me his bunny smile

"U-uh no thank you I can manage"I was about to walk away but he hold my arms and get all my materials

"AISH now, you'll be late if you still carry these let me help you"he grabbed my materials and put in on all in his right arm and the left is to dragged me to the room

Well I don't have a choice I don't want to be late as well

After an hour of a boring discussion, jungkook help me with these materials and I help him I get the other half of course but I insist that I can do it already but he's a stubborn guy didn't let me

So now we are here at the garden I was doing my project right now because tomorrow I don't have a free time cause I have work early in the morning

"Lis, let me help~~"he said in aegyo making me look at him while glaring at him

"Didn't I told you that I can do it, now you can go"I said coldly

"Hey I'm just kidding now, how about this i help you finish this so you can have a proper rest later how's that?"

It's actually good if I finish this already

"Hmm, fine since your stubborn just this once"

"Yayy!! Thank you Lisayah now where do I start to help you beautiful lady"I just rolled my eyes and I pointed the colored paper

"Cut it into small triangle pieces"as he quickly obliged we spent there for an hour and I'm still not yet done to this project

I still need to clean it up so jungkook have a schedule later but he said he wants to take me home but I refused to it

I'm now with seulgi, Ryujin already left us because she had some errands to do we're now at my locker getting my other book to review for tomorrow

"Let's go Lisayah"seulgi and I was about to go because we have some errands to do

"Lis!!"oh not again as I heard his voice making me close my eyes and look at him

"What?"i said coldly

"Let me take you home please"

"I did refused right? now please stop I'm going home with seulgi" as I walk away and ready to walk away but he hold me again

"Can you please stop?!"I said irritatedly and harshly get my arms

"Hey dude if I were you leave already you don't have a chance to Lisa now stop" seulgi said while covering her arm to me to protect me to jungkook

"Seul, I'm fine I'll just follow you"I said to her assuringly while she was hesitating to go

"Okay Lis, Just call me if anything happens"she said and glared at jungkook before leaving

I turned my attention to jungkook
"Like I said stop already please"I begged to him

But jungkook won't budge still hold onto me

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now