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After I ate, I talk to them for a while I make it up to those days that I'm unconscious I'm still at the hospital the doctor says that I still need to take a rest here for a while because they will examine the poison that is inside my body cause they said it's dangerous, they get my blood to be tested awhile ago and chaesoo already left because of the company and chaeng is on the hospital managing the patients

"Lisa yah" I heard an aegyo beside me that made me smile a little bit and look at her

"Hmm?"I responded to her and look at her weakly

She looks at me while pouting

"Why?"She's still not responding but to pout more

Does she want my kiss!? please no omg I didn't take a brush yet

"Why? What do you want? honey" I ask her weakly and I tried to sit up and she helped me with it

"Careful lisayah you're wound is not healed yet!" she scold me like my mother as always and sit down at the chair

I chuckled and look at her I hold her hand gently

"Jennie yah I'm okay already no need to worry about me"I assure her she just sigh and hold my hand too

"Please lisayah get well as soon as possible got that? I need your cuddles I can't sleep without your cuddles every night" she pouted while fidgeting my hand


"By the way Jennie yah I'm sorry"
I said and look down

"What are you sorry for lisayah you didn't do anything wrong?" she asks me curiously

"Because I'm a burden to you, you didn't go to your company just to take care of me and you look like stress because of me, please don't stress yourself just to for me, look I'm okay already," I assure her and look at her worriedly

She sighs heavily and looks at me full of love "Lisa yah you're not a burden to me besides I want to take care of you and love you with all my heart Lisa yah, and don't think that you're a burden to me because your not, arraseo?" I nodded and pout and slowly scratch my IV without her noticing it.

This IV itches ughhh I want to get rid of it!

"Why are pouting huh?" she said until she notices my hand moving inside the blanket that made me look at her nervously she raised her right eyebrow and slowly removed the blanket I quickly stopped her by holding her hand and pout

"Yeobo! No please!" I whined cutely that making her more curious

"Why are you stopping me?" she ask and quickly removed it she saw my hand red because im scratching it since earlier, she crossed her arms and look at me worriedly

"Honey what are you doing now look what happen!" she scolded me again like my mom "stop messing with your IV," she said gently said and stopped me from scratching it rapidly

"But yeobo this IV itches, I can't help it!" I whined again and look at her she's looking at me lovingly

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I tilt my head slightly

"Nothing you're just cute when you're whining like that" she smiles widely when she told me that but I rolled my eyes
That made her eyes widen "okay now you copy my attitude" that made me smile slightly and nodded

Until someone knocked and the door opened revealing the doctor with a paper to check on me with her nurse

"Uhm sorry to disturb you Mrs. Manoban but we need to check on Ms. Lisa for a minute"the nurse said and went towards us that made me shock and look at her she just grinned on me and back away a little bit for the doctor to move beside me

"Okay sure no problem just be careful or else!" she threatened the nurse and the doctor I gave her a warned look and shakes my head a little bit

They changed my IV and removed it that made me bite my lip and close my eyes tightly for that and Jennie quickly went beside me and hugged my arms and to calm me down for a bit and they are done immediately that making me sigh in relief they bowed at us and Jennie just nod and look at me after they closed the door

I look at her with the same expression "Okay yeobo you told them that you're Married already?"she nodded proudly and smiled widely

"We will also go there anyway besides we will get married right away so that no will take you away from me cause your mine got that?"She said possessively that made me more shocked

"W-what married r-right away yeobo are you serious getting married right away!?"i said not minding my IV itches

"Yes, so you need to get well soon as possible"she said seriously that made me look at her

"Aren't we too fast to get married soon?"I ask her

"Why don't you want to marry me?"she said a little bit hurt I know it so I hold her hand and start caressing it

"Yeobo it's not like that, it's just that I'm still not graduate, what if i need to graduate first before this we need to prepare first yeobo~~"i told her and look at her lovingly

"Maybe you're right we need to prepare first but if we are ready you need to marry me alright or else I will do it instead of you"she agreed with me and giggles after what she said that made me chuckles as well after that someone call at Jennie's phone I look at her and nodded she answer the phone call and put it on speaker so I can hear it as well

"YAH!!"we heard Irene unnie shout that made Jennie move away the phone cause it's loud me as well

"AH YAH WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING!?" jennie responded shouting as well that made me face palm

"YOURE SHOUTING AS WELL TONE IT DOWN!" Unnie said in the phone

"YOU GO FIRST!"jennie responded as well but I just looking at them innocently and face palm

"Jennie yah"I said in warned tone and look at her calmly she look at me she clears her throat and speak

"Yes, do you need anything unnie?"jennie said calmly and I heard fake crying on the other phone

"I wish we found Lisa even your still young before so that you can be kind to us for a long time"unnie teased us while sobbing fakely

"Well I found her already, now what do you want unnie why'd you call?" Jennie changes the topic but she looks so serious

That made me hella scared right now I just gulp looking at her until she turned her attention to me so I averted my eyes to other direction

This girl will be really the death of me


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