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i wake up early in the morning and quickly dressed up and went downstairs i was planning to meet lisa at my company if shes there already i need to talk to her so bad

I was about to go out but mom stopped me from doing it so

"Honey your going already?"i nodded my head virgously

"Are you going to fix it already with lisa?"mom said calmly as she approached me from the door

"Yes mom, i was so stupid just to let her go and not fighting for her, i shouldnt have ignored her that day my anger really took over me, and now that im determined to get her back and fix my mistake"

Mom was just looking at me lovingly "okay goodluck honey be sure youll fix it"mom said while smiling

"And im proud of you my daughter youve really growned up woman now and i thanked lisa she changed you back to your old self"mom added and kissed my cheeks as i smiled to her genuinely

"Im really lucky to have her by my side but i broke it thats the biggest regret of my life"i sigh sadly and look down

"And now i wont do it again i need to go now mom i still have to meet My Lisa" as i kissed her cheeks and went out

"Alright honey"mom said and let me go and went out

"Be careful honey!"mom yelled at me and i opened my car as i yelled at her back as a respond

"Ne~"i drove to the company excitedly and i was calling lisa for a minutes now but shes not responding making me a bit worried

Yeobo i hope you forgive me, please give me a chance to do the right thing, im sorry...

Once I arrived at the company I quickly parked my car and went out immediately

As I see it's just still a few people greeted me while I'm walking as I smiled at them and nod

I was nervous and happy what I was feeling right now and I hope she's here already I miss my baby so much

As the door opened I look for Lisa in her table but none she's not here it's my other secretary in here

I walk towards her making her noticed my presence and quickly bowed 90 degrees as I nod and furrowed my brows

"Ms. Park may I ask why Lisa is not here? It's her schedule today"

"Oh, about that Ms. Kim, Ms. Lisa file a leave for 1 week so she said I'll take In charge while she's away"ms park said and smile warmly

My heart clenched knowing my Lisa take a leave for 1 week without me knowing such a bad day

"O-oh is that so ms park..."she nodded and I continued to speak "did she tell you where will she be going?"

"Oh sorry Ms. Kim but she didn't tell it where she's going, I'm deeply sorry Ms. Kim" she bowed again

"N-no it's okay thank you"I bowed slightly and walk to my office while preventing my tears to fall

"Lisayah... I'm sorry... please comeback... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry"I muttered and entered my office and lock it I was so tired crying I need my Lisa please

I called unnie while I'm sobbing hard

Js: "yes jundeuk?"

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