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I got a part time job in a restaurant they assigned me to wash all the dishes and clean some mess

Im really tired today I just decided to take the bus and sit down I rest my head in the window and I'm try trying to avoid my nap cause I might sleep here.

But I can't take it I'm really tired I'm about to close my eyes but suddenly the bus stopped that made my brain alive and and quickly sit down again I shout

"Sir be careful next time!"I said and sit properly. I just scrolled to my phone until it rang I answered it immediately it's oppa

Kookie oppa🐰🐰
"Lisa Yah what time are you going home,it's already midnight you're still not here,you're making me worried sick"oppa scold me and my head is aching so bad

"Oppa I just got a bus and my other workmate is absent so i did some overtime"I said in low tone I'm really really tired today

Jackson oppa🐰🐰
"Okay be careful lisayah love you"
He said and I smile

"I love you too oppa"I said and I hung up the phone and look at the view outside

I'm now here at our house and when I opened it I saw oppa on the
Couch playing video games

"Oppa I'm here now"as I said and kissed his cheeks

"Lisa yah why you look pale are you sick or something?"he said and check my temperature

"No oppa,I'm just tired I took overtime on my work"I said and remove my shoes and socks and go to fridge and drink water

"Oppa I'll go upstairs now I want to sleep,good night Oppa"I said and went upstairs

I heard him shout

"Goodnight too Lisa make sure take care of yourself arraseo?" He assured me


I slumped my body to my bed and quickly fell asleep



I woke up and went to bathroom to wash my body and as always I'm already late

I quickly go out and run to bus stop
And arrive at the cafe and I saw my boss at the door while crossing his arms looking at me angrily

"S-sir"I said while stuttering

I flinched when he shout at me
"AGAIN!LISA YOU'RE ALWAYS LATE DO YOU WANT TO BE FIRED?"he said to me looking at me like he's gonna eat me I just avoid his eyes

"I-I'm s-sorry sir —"I was about to say it again but he spoke first

"I'm sorry sir I will not do it again but you're always late!!"he said and pushed me we're still in the door I'm getting embarrassed here

"Sir please give me a chance please I badly need this job please"I beg to him but he's just pushing me away

"You can't enter this cafe cause you're FIRED!!"he said pushed me hard making me stumble on the ground that makes me groan in pain I have little scratch on my skin

I quickly get up and kneels infront of him

"Sir please I'm really begging you we really need money" While tears are flowing in my cheeks

"Whatever you do I will not accept who's not good looking and always late"while looking at me with disgust

*Who's not good looking?look at your face look like a trash can but considered my late I'm still good looking unlike yours* I thought

"Now go away I don't want to see you here"he said and close the door

*i sigh deeply*i just walk for a minute I'm in the street now until I heard someone talking in the corner

"Get your filthy hands off me you bitch"a girl said and look at the man

I peek at the wall and listen to them

"Ohh! what a brat good looking woman wanna come with me,I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it"the man said and trying to touch the girl's leg

"I told you if don't get your hands off I swear I'm gonna kill two of you,I'm serious so let me go"the girl said seriously

"I like it"the man looking at her head to toe

"Ew! Will you please shut your mouth and get out of my way!" The girl said and about to walk but these two man won't let her go

"Come on just come with us"the man trying to pull the girl with her

I approached them quietly

I cleared my throat to get their attention

"Will you please let the girl go"I said calmly

"And who are you to say that to me?"the boy said and glared at me

"Me"I pointed myself

"You have guts huh,mind your own business if you don't want to get in trouble, let's go"

"Hey move it"he said and cling to me and they pissed me off

The boys is laying on the ground now while groaning. I approached the girl

"Hey,miss you ok?, do you want me to take you to hospital?"I worriedly asked it to her but she's just staring at me

"Miss? hello,are you ok?"I asked and wave my hand to get her attention

She's back to her senses "yes thank you by the way and no need to bring me to hospital"I just nod and help her to go outside the street

"Miss I already call the police just stay away from them arraseo?" She nod and look at me lovingly

"Ok I gotta go now miss bye be careful on your way "I said and rode a bus


I'm already here at our house I visit them again and tell them what happened to that street and the one who helped me

"Oh god,Jennie sweetie are you okay,did they hurt you"mom said while cupping my cheeks

"I'm okay now mom, I'm thankful that someone save me to that assholes" I said in cold tone and hold mom's hand

"Sweetie where are those assholes now?" Dad said while looking at her watch

"Already in jail dad" I only said

"I think i need to do something to them they hurt my little princess"
Dad said while standing up

"Are you sure hon?"mom said and hold dad'd hand

"Yup,no ones gonna hurt my princess,I'll get you many bodyguards sweetie I'll protect you"he said and Looking at me seriously

"Dad I'll just go to my room"I said and he nodded and he kissed my forehead

I lock myself on my room and think the girl who save her earlier

She's hot and kind and good looking , sweet , handsome,have a beautiful smile I know she's perfect..............for me.

I think I love her already I saw how she protect me and how concerned about me

I already made my decision

I want her to be mine

But I didn't get her name

AHHHH!! How should I get her if I don't know her name aishh! I scream but this room is soundproof no one can heard me here

I'll try to find you Barbie doll cause your mine

Because when I land my eyes on you I already owned you.

I smirked on my thoughts and went  to shower


My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now