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The hell? Why she's not picking up her phone it makes me crazy and these idiots dont want me to go home aish how can i assure if lisa is safe?!

I groaned silently and look at them

"Jennie were fine now, i think nayeon is already fine, right nayeonie?" Irene asked while looking at nayeon

"Yeah unnie im okay maybe i just felt lonely this days"nayeon told me and look down as i nodded understandingly

"Its okay nayeon"

"Now may i excuse myself for a bit,ill just call lisa"as i went to the restroom and called lisa many times but i cant reach her making me groan silently

Lisa, where are you? Im so fucking worried about you?!

Its been almost 24 hours since we last chat and call im worried maybe something bad happened to her already i cant bare to lose her again

I called my private investigator not that long he answered pretty fast

"Yes Miss Kim? Anything i can do for you?"he asked in the other line

"I want you to find lisa and make sure she's safe, if not you're fire understood?"i said in my coldest tone as i heard a respose i immediately end the call and went to my friends to tell them i really need to go

"Hey unnie, guys im really sorry but i need to go dont worry ill make it up to you guys"

"Okay unnie just becareful and maybe you'll be happy after you—-"i was suddenly confused when Nayeon spoke up and Irene Unnie suddenly cover it with the chips, what Nayeon was eating

"Hehehehe here eat up nayeon i know youre hungry already"irene put a lot of chips inside of nayeon's mouth to shut her up and nayeon nodded understandingly and rose was laughing nervously

"Okay thank you nayeon ill go now"as i kissed their cheeks and went to my car

After i went it i tried to call lisa again but i reach her

God is it hard to answer the phone lisa?!

Where the hell are you?

What happened?

I hope nothing happened to you, honey

I sent her a message for her incase she open her phone

"Lisaya hon, please call or message me if anything's alright okay? Please be careful, I've been calling you since earlier but youre not answering, and i also hope youre okay, i love you Hon"

I turn off my phone and decided to go to our mansion

I miss where i grew up

After i arrived and park my car at the corner and decided to went in, all i can see is no one where the hell are they? I went in but no ones here even a single person cant be found

I was about to call mom and dad but the door opened revealing them

"Okay, just dont tell—-OH GHAD! Youre here i miss you dear"mom slapped dad's shoulder while dad is clueless why mom slapped her without any reason she was actually gonna say something not until she saw me

"Mom hi! Where have you guys been? Ive been finding you guys since earlier"i hugged them both

"D-dear we are stuck in traffic earlier so we came home late,were sorry dear"mom said apologetically

"Its okay mom but what are you guys saying earlier before you went in?"

"What? We didnt say anything d-dear maybe youre just hallucinating earlier"mom said convincing as i nodded my head and shrugged it off already

"Maybe i am"

"Have you eaten already?"

"Uhm nope mom, i just arrived also"

"Hmm okay want us to eat with you? Im sure you missed us"

"Definitely mom"as we laughed and went to the dining

We are just quietly eating until dad notices that ive been quiet since they arrived

"Baby? You okay? You seemed off today"
Dad asked and put the utensils down

"Yes dear i noticed it too"

"Its just that... lisa is still not texting me mom im worried at her, what if something happened?"

"No dear, dont think that way i know lisa is brave alright? Now calm down"mom tried to calm me down by using her hand caressing mine

I cant help it, if she's not beside me i dont think she's safe but please lisayah where ever you are please becareful my love

I just tried to distract myself with the emails my employee just did for their reports

"Ms. Kim the investor arrived at the meeting room"my secretary told me and nod at her

"Okay, just tell them ill be there 5 minutes"
I informed her and get the files in my hand

I attempted to call lisa again but direct to voice message and sigh and i decided to went in the meeting room i already saw Mr. Winston sitting comfortably as i greeted him

"Hi Mr. Winston"i shake hands with him and let go immediately

"Hello Ms. Kim, im very impressed with your sales right now"

"Im glad you liked it Mr. Winston, so shall we start?"

"Yeah sure"


"I was really impressed you played it well Ms. Kim"

"Thank you sir"

"And by the way..." i turned my attention to him as he spoke again

"By any chance, Lisa manoban is working here right?"

Im curious

Why the hell he's finding my lisa?!

"Uhm yes? Do you need anything to my Girlfriend?" I emphasized the word girlfriend so he can back off already

"Actually i want to ask her if she can eat with me but she's actually not here so ill maybe back here and ask her out"

"Excuse me?"i stand up and glared at him

"Fyi she's mine sir, our business not includes her, so if you're just here to ask her out, then get the hell out of my company i dont need your investment" i said savagely feeling jealous now inside

"Woah chill, im just being friendly thoug-"

"Friendly your ass, get out"I said coldly and point the door

"Okay, okay gosh"he was about to leave when the door opens

Its my secretary

"Ms. Kim, there's an emergency call that includes lisa" my world stops a bit while looking at her



My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now