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Im now here at my hotel room packing since tonight is my flight going back to Seoul how i wish i can still have time with my Lisa

"Jendeuk make sure to have a bucket of chicken for later in our flight"i facepalm and shake my head

"As far as i know you also have a black card" i told her and crossed my arms

"Well...um right now i was actually finding it"she scratched her head making me shocked

"What! mom will really smack you after we go home"i shaked my head

"I know, i know thats why i want you buy me for now dont worry ill pay you immediately with a bucket of chicken"unnie winked at me and went to her room

I shaked my head

I was actually finding some sort of clothes that lisa would like later

I get ready for our lunch later at the beachside i also rented it just for the both of us

After i get dressed i head to her hotel room ill be fetching her

I was now walking towards the elevator but then my phone rings making me picked it up since its my temporary secretary for now since Lisa is on leave


"Ms. Kim chairman kim is expecting you here tomorrow at your office here in Seoul"he reminded me

"Uhm yeah sure, what about it?li asked him while tapping my foot

"I dont know Ms. Kim he just said that its very important"

"Hmm okay okay fine, ill be there at lunch"

We bid goodbyes and the elevator opened which means im already there floor

I walk towards Lisa's room and knocked at the door

"Wait for a minute!"i heard lisa shouted

Not even 5 minutes the door opens revealing Lisa in a cute white dress making me stare at her

"You look beautiful lisayah poopoo"making her blushed when i sudden complimented her

"Uh-uh lets go?"she changes the topic and went out her friends are teasing her

"Wewss only a lunch date huh?"seulgi said while smirking at her

"Shut up guys! Its embarrassing!" she said shyly and look down

"I dont mind though"and chuckles at her

"Okay you guys enjoy!"moonbyul shouted and head back to the room

We are now walking through the elevator and i was actually scooting closer to her so i can lean my head to her shoulders

She startled a bit but calm down after

"Hmm so where will you take me Ms. Kim?"she said curiously while not looking at me

"Just nearby no need to worry i will not kidnap you"i said and laughed she just roll her eyes at me

"As if you can carry me im more taller than you"she replied making me laughed at her

"Yes! You have a point there!"she just shakes her head the atmosphere became silent but comfortable

As the elevator dings i look at her making her reciprocate it

"Shall we?"

She smiled before answering me

"We shall"we laughed together and we went silently at the beachside

"I miss us being like this" i told her with me knowing it

"U-uhm y-yeah me too i miss that old days"she chuckles and not that long we arrived at the end and this is what it looks like

"U-uhm y-yeah me too i miss that old days"she chuckles and not that long we arrived at the end and this is what it looks like

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"Wow its so beautiful!"as she approached the table and smile widely to me

"You like it?"i asked her and smile to her genuinely

"Yes! Thank you for this"

"Youre always welcome love"my mouth slip making me more nervous as she gulped and look away

"I-i mean lisa,yeah welcome lisayah"

"Lets sit?"she just nodded and sat down quietly

Lisa was just staring at the view from the side not wanting to look at me making me sad a bit, not so long the waiter went towards us and give us the menu for us to pick our own food.

"What do you want lisa?"

"U-uhm ill have steak please thank you" The waiter quickly noted it in his paper and looked at me

"How about you ma'am?"

"Ill get what she ordered"the waiter nodded and bowed before leaving

I looked at lisa who's now peacefully waiting for our food to be arrive

I broke the silence and im getting nervous and what ifs in my head

What if she's now moving on

What if she doesnt love me anymore

It make my heart clutch while thinking of it, i think i cant do it without lisa,the love of my life will leave me.


"Hmm?yeah?"she's now looking at me

"Uhm im Sorry if i didnt listen to you after what happened last week i should've been more distant to you not knowing the truth after that" i sincerely apologized to her and look down

"Its okay..."

"No! Its not Lisa, ive seen you've been really hurt to all ive said and i realised it j-just now, all i need to do is change and lower my pride, i realized it too that its all my past now youre now part of my f-future poopoo you change the whole of me, the way you turned me to my old sthe true one *sniff*please! Love! Im begging you, just comeback to me" i pleaded and hold her hand while now im sobbing so hard flashbacks reminded me how i hurted her so bad i want to make it up to her and love her all i can.

All i can hear is the slow music that the waiter played before we arrived earlier

She stayed silent making me more anxious to she's about to say



Author nyo pagod na mag english dumudugo na ilong char HAHAHAH stay safe love you all

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