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Were now here at the fake accident im now here at the ambulance and guess what

Its jisoo's plan, great idea right she said she wants to have fun first aigoo this bunny really likes to tease her sister

Mom and dad auntie and uncle as well agreed to it and they splashed me a fake blood of course and made me laid in the bed here in the ambulance of course

"Yah! Limario! Boost your acting skills alright?"

"Yeah yeah but i cant help but to be nervous as hell"

"Its fine lisa i know jennie is also ready to build a family with you"

"How are you so sure about that?"

"Its because unc——"

"Jisoo! Your chicken!" Chaeng covered jisoo unnie's mouth

"What?! What happened to my chicken? I swear to God who ever ate my chicken we'll see hell!"

Chaeng coudnt contain her laughter when jisoo walked away with angry face

"Dont mind her lis, i know and i trust you with jennie, please take care of her for us"

I nodded without hesitation and smile assuring her

Wow this really looks realistic my fake car smashed in the tree and police cars

I swear to God if its me i'll believe this is real.

"Lisa are you ready? Do you have the ring on you?" Auntie checked on me and i nodded

"Okay, dont be nervous alright?"i smile timidly

Omyghadd!!! Im about to propose!

Okay! Keep it cool lisa!

"Lisa! Jen said she's almost here! Be ready!"

"Shit my tears aren't coming out!!" Jisoo unnie said while still trying to cry

"Oh i know how"

"How?"jisoo unnie asked while looking at her lively girlfriend

Rose pinched her waist hard

"Awwweeee!!!!! It hurts! Hon!" Jisoo unnie cried while caressing her waist

"Well there you are crying already"chaeng said savagely and flip her hair while smirking at her

"Thank me i love you or els—"jisoo was about to say somethinh but chaeng cutted her off

"Or else what? Say it" chaeng threatened her making her laughed nervously

"Nothing hehehe, lisa! You can do it were here for you praying!" I chuckles and i peek a bit seeing light of a car means she's already here

Chaeng gave me a good luck smile and step aside

I gave her a nod which means im ready and close my eyes feel like im dead already

Oh gosh! I hope jennie will let me alive later

"W-where is s-she?" I can feel she's nervous

Of course she is, who wouldnt be nervous if her love ones got into accident?

Quit it aish!

"S-she's there, they just pulled her out of her car earlier they are having a hard time to let her out" auntie told her and caress her back to calm down

I heard the doctor said

"Her condition is very critical based on where she hit her head badly in the window ms. Kim"

"What the hell?! What are you still doing there! Go! Do everything you can just for her to survive! Or else ill close your hospital!"jennie yelled at him

Oh god im sorry doctor you got into this

"Y-yes ms. Kim"he acted like treating my wounds as jennie went closer to me and cant contain her sobs and cup my face

"Y-yeobo! I told you to be careful when your driving now look at you?!"

"You said we will still get married and have many kids!"she shouted at me but still i remained unconscious in her sight

"Treat her at the hospital please, i-i c-cant lose her a-again this time" she hold my cold hand which is i put some ice on it a bit so it will be more convincing

"We've been apart for how long please lisayah, poopoo be alive for me please"she cant contained her sobbed and the doctor told her to go out which is she finally obligued

"Dear! How is she?!"h eard my mom from the other side and entered the scene already

"M-mom, the doctor is still treating her, i hope she's fine" my future wife is now crying in my mom's shoulder

Im sorry hon!!!

The fake heart monitor get in the flat line, well they remove the plugged thats why

"No! No! Not again please!!"She was about to come near me but the nurse stopped her

"Ms. Kim you cant come near her for now"the nurse said while she's holding my future wifey's arm

"What the hell!? Get out of my sight my poopoo needs me!" My nini still crying so much

"Ms. Kim sorry we really cant let you"

"Please!" She begged and keep refusing to be away me

They cover me a green cover and close the binds of the ambulance as i peak i quickly change my outfit and they clean me up for my make up

Oh ghadd help me with this i hope i can still survive her wrath

"Let me see her again! Please"

"We cant ms. Kim were very sorry for your lose"

"No she's not! She will not leave me again! She promised me"

"Lili! Nini's here please wake up"

"Jen we need to accept it, its lisa's fate"


Now that i am done i slightly peak at the window with a cover

I saw jisoo unnie did okay sign, for me to go out and i hid under the table where i almost slip but i hold onto something

Whew! That would be embarrassing if they noticed me that way

"Lemme see her please, unnie help me please"she begged again to the doctor who's now removing her white gloves technically the blood in his gloves are fake also

"Yes,yes unnie's here now try to calm down for a bit come here"jisoo unnie hugged her and noticed me hiding

Jisoo unnie pouted at her sisters condition right now

"U-unnie lisa's g-gone i-i just c-cant lose her"

"Stop crying, lisa doesnt want to see you crying"

"But i cant help it, she's gone already, the love of my life already leave me, should i be happy is that it?"

"Well technically she's just here turn around"jisoo unnie said to jennie whos now sobbing cutely while looking to me slowly


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