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I'm nowhere at Lisa's bed waiting for her to wake up, chaesoo went here before they went to my company to see if there's a problem auntie texted me that they will come here later after they ate breakfast

I only heard is Lisa's monitor I miss her annoying side and her eheee! thingy

I'm just staring at her and I keep talking even though she's asleep I'm now fidgeting her hands it's my hobby since I met her

"I don't get it. You're still cute even though when you're sick" I caress her cheeks

I sigh I heard my phone ding, as I expected there's a video in it attached so I check it out.

I smirk knowing he is suffering from what he has done to my Lisa

Of course, he should know his limits not to be bossy around our company like he owns it.

It's Kim jongin or should I say dog in the jail being punished I saw how he begged to stop punching him but they don't budge by the way I'm the one who ordered them to do it to this dog

I sigh heavily it's still not enough I'm still not happy because Lisa is still here laying down unconscious Here at the bed she looks skinny and lost a lot of blood but they quickly managed it I paid the bills so auntie and uncle will not problem it anymore cause I know they still need to save money from their bills and I don't want them to be stress.

Lisa yah when will you wake up please hurry up I still need to confess my feelings for you

I laid my head beside her bed while holding her hands and suddenly I fell asleep because of tiredness looking for Lisa the whole time

I was about to sleep but I heard a knock that made me alarmed I quickly stand up and open the door

"A-auntie your here, good morning auntie, uncle I'm sorry I fell asleep here"I apologize to them and bowed slightly

Auntie smiled at me "it's nothing dear, I'm glad you took care of Lisa, and oh- by the way you can go home and clean yourself and eat alright? we will be the one who will take care of Lisa for today, and you should do is only rest we will just call you if Lisa wakes up already alright dear?" auntie requested and caress my hand

"A-are you sure auntie? I can still look for Lisa if you would mind"I said and glanced at Lisa

"Oh no it's okay Jennie my daughter, you can take a rest for awhile okay?, I'm sure Lisa will be happy if you're taking a rest and eating properly"I'm happy she call me my daughter okay it's embarrassing I'm blushing in front of them until uncle noticed it and laughed

Uncle chuckled and said "Jennie yah your blushing my daughter is right you're cute when blushing, right hon?"they only laughed I hide my face to my palm and laughed

"Alright we'll just text you Jennie yah if there are any updates to our princess"uncle and auntie Hugged me I gladly accept it before I leave I went to get my Chanel bag and went near to my Lisa

"Lisa yah I will just go home for awhile please wake up already"I said and arranged her bangs I kiss her for the last time in the cheeks before I head out and after my butler opened the door for me I have a plan before I go home

I will visit the dog in the jail lets see what he's doing already

I went to my car and sit in the passenger I wear my sunglasses,of course it's Chanel all I wear is Chanel not all I mean most of them.

"Ma'am where are we going already?"my driver asked me if where to go

"At the police station, Mark hurry up I need to go home after this so I can visit Lisa sooner or later" I miss her already were still here at the parking lot were still here not leaving I miss her scent already

"Ok ma'am"he responded and quickly droves away

Jisoo unnie texted me that there's a problem at the company so I suggest to go there but she insisted that she will do it cause she knows that I'm tired already

I'm so lucky to have  unnie

I rest my head at the sit I will take a nap for a minute but instead of minute I woke up an hour cool right,that's how I am really tired looking for Lisa for days already but Lisa still not waking up but her condition is already okay so we will just wait for her to woke up

I woke up we were already here at the police station I went out of course they're job to guide me as always my butlers tailing me

I already heard the groaning from the jails I scrunched my nose it's so smelly here so I hurriedly went to kai's block

I saw them picking, kicking him nonstop so I talk

"STOP NOW!"I shout at them that made them shiver in fear and quickly stopped and went to corner

Kai quickly went to me while his leg is limping and hold the bars

"J-Jennie yah, babe please let me out of here,please I'll change now please I love you right?,you love me too I know it please give me a chance to prove my love for you"he tried to reach but I back away with a disgusting face

"As far as I know you're with your hooker there next to you, you can go with her instead and please don't show your face even though it's a picture  or I will not hesitate to find you and kill you so hide in the farthest place and never show your ugly face in-front of me got that?"I went near to the bars and grabbed her collar and smashed his face to the bars that made the police and my bodyguard groan as they can feel the pain

Kai's teeth got removed in-front and bleeds

"And for the last time I will tell you don't mess with me or nether Lisa cause you already know what will happen to you"as I removed his collar harshly that made him fall but still trying to hold me I back away and spray some alcohol in my hands germs is all over here

"I hate bacteria around me so I spray my hands" i mumbled

I turned around started to walk away but he shouts




they keep bickering with each other I just ignored them and went to my car and rest again and went home

Finally a rest I hope Lisa wakes up already

Lisayah take care of yourself please... for me



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