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After we ate we went to the side of the beach where we can see the view of Jeju i went to the railings and closed my eyes i have been trying to make a lot of efforts to show her that i really loved her and im proving myslef that i need to trust her and i cant just let her go like that its rare to find like lisa

"So... what do you want to talk about?"she said coldly as she just stare at the view

I look at her and hold her hand she was taken aback when i suddenly hugged her i couldnt resist anymore because the more she avoids me the more that im longing for her

How she cuddled me at night...

Kissing me in forehead

Pinching my cheeks even though it annoys me so much

"U-uh let g—"she was about to say something but i cut her off and hug her more tight

"No please lets just stay like this for awhile i missed you"she just stayed quiet and let me hugged her

I inhaled her scent making me wants to cuddle her more but first i need to make a move before someone does i cant just let go of her, she became my light when my world is dark but that light is fading because of my pride, angerness and most of it hating her

I let go of the hug and faced me while shes staring at me coldly and i cupped her cheeks  as she always did

"I-im s-sorry lisayah..." I apologized and look down

"I know i shouldve done that, i pushed you away im sorry... its just that it reminds me of my past with kai, i-i gave him everything i have and i realized that hes just using me for money and fame and much worst cheating behind my back so i tried to put a barrier to my heart that day when i saw you guys kissing it hurts me so much, i-im sorry hon please give me a chance to prove it to you my love"she hold my hand and caress it while shes now sobbing hard

"B-but im not him jen, im not kai who cheated on you its just that... you misunderstood everything all of it, and then you suddenly turn your back on me and didnt know me like i doesnt exist in your life, jen im lisa my parents raise me to be a good person not to hurt someone precious like you, because i love you with all my heart i wouldnt do any such thing like that... if you just listen things will be easier"she told me weakly and she get her hands to my hold and started to walk away but i back hugged her and cried

"I know, i know hon please you dont know how much i regretted that i pushed you away just like that and treat you like a trash but deep inside me is opposite my heart is saying to me that i should listen to you and love you forever..."

"You dont know ive been hell that whole week..."i told her weakly and released her hug and face her

"That day you drove off, my heart break into pieces i-i thought you will listen to me but you did the opposite, the way i understand you, but i thought you will understand as well to my situation, i was at the hospital in those 3 days all im just thinking about is you, you occupied my mind, dissapointed, heartbroken am i"any seconds her tears are now dropping in her cheeks

"H-hon please let me fix us please, i dont want to lose you baby, please"i begged at her and i hugged her again like theres no tomorrow

"P-please i need a break jen, im right here with my family to spend my time with them and lucas was waiting for me i gotta go now"she told me and walk away totally...


To be honest i want to hug and kiss her as well but im still upset to what she did. Lisa thought

I need to think  about it

B-because im scared that ill be broken again thinking of it makes me more vulnerable

"Nuwna!"lucas yelled at me once i go back to the table

"Y-yes?"i asked him and kneeled down informt of him

"Lets pway at the water! Dada is tired look" i look where he pointed and saw dad panting and mom is wiping his sweats

"You grandpa! I told you slow down aish you look like a pig earlier"mom scolded dad and dad just smile at her

"Well im glad i catch your attention"dad wink to mom making her blush and we laughed at them and lucas has been dragging me to the water

"L-lucas wait nuwna needs to change first"i said and wipe his sweats in the face

"Oh! Okay nuwna ill wait here with seulgi nuwna" i nodded and kissed his forehead before i head to my room once i entered my room i closed the door and leaned to it

Should i give her a chance?

Or no?

Aish this is frustrating

I was staring at the ceiling if i could give her a second chance to prove herself to me

I change my clothes to this, it makes me more comfortable with it once im done,

Ive seen a chat pop out to my lockscreen and read it while im still arranging my hair

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Ive seen a chat pop out to my lockscreen and read it while im still arranging my hair

"Be ready!!"i furrowed my brows i wonder who it is, maybe its just a wrong number so i ignored it and i was now at my front door and ready to leave but theres a guy standing infront of me with a big smile on his face

"LISA BABY I MISS YOU!!!"my eyes went wide and cover my mouth i was beyond shock he's here

"NO WAY!!"i exclaimed while my eyes are like gonna pop out

"Yes way!"he exclaimed and smile to me

I miss him so much!!


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