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I'm still here at the company I still have many things to do and sign all of them I rubbed my hair in my frustration

Someone knocks in my door and it's Lisa

"Oh hey you're still here it's past 11 now we need to go already you can do that tomorrow"she told me as she approached me and sat infront of me

"But I need to finish all this-" she cut me off by putting her pointer finger to my lips to shut me up

"Shh... jen you need to rest too don't stress yourself now come on please~~~"she forced me to stand up and she close my laptop


"No buts jennieyah you need rest whether you like it or not"I can't resist this bossy Lisa

"Alright alright you win but please cuddle with me"I pout to her that made her nodded

Huh! she can't resist my cuteness

"Alright let's go I'll drive this time"I get my car keys to my bag and gave it to her

"Kajja!"but I hold the hem of her shirt for her to look at me

"Piggyback~~"she automatically smile and gave me what I want making me smile more wider

We arrived at the parking she guided me to the passenger and went to the driver seat

"Yeobo just sleep already I'll just carry you later"Lisa said and pat my head I just nod my head and she smile

"Goodnight Yeobo sleep well"she kissed my forehead until I didn't know I slept already but I can feel myself being carried already I look at her

"I love you Yeobo"I put my arms on her nape to pull her closer to me as I pecked her lips

"I love you too now go back to sleep"I quickly obliged I was really tired today and Lisa knows it too

I spent my day with papers earlier I couldn't control to be more awake but my body is not cooperating because of my tiredness

I can feel Lisa lay me down and put me in comfortable position as She kisses my forehead and sleep beside me too cause we're very tired



I was still sleeping and I tried to hug Jennie to my side but it was flat no one is here so I started to look for her

But she's not here even in the restroom I tried to find her but none I started to panicked and still contacting her

Where is she?!

I look around and I saw a paper in the dining table I check what it is

Lisayah I went to work early I needed to finish all of this I prepared you a food there and before you go outside get the duplicate keys there and I'm sorry if I can't drive you to your school I'm really busy hope you understand bye I love you Lisayah

Mrs. Manoban😉

"I love you too Jennieyah"I smiled in the letter and look for the food in the table

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now