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I arrived in time at my office and sign the papers needed as i saw dad entering my office

"Dad!"i approach him excitedly and hugged him tight

"Oh my god i miss my daughter so much"dad said while hugging me tight

"I miss you too dad, so why did you sudden called me?"i changed the topic quickly

"Oh yeah about that..."he sigh deeply and i knew he's nervous to say something to me

"I already want you to get married"i just stared at him seriously making him more nervous

"Dad? Are you sick or something?"i caress dad's forehead but he seems okay to me i returned to sit again but now elegantly

"N-no im not dear its just that your mom and i decided to talk about marriage since you also already grown up woman now so its normal to us have some...you know what we are talking about right?"i sigh deeply and nodded

"So you guys were saying that you want me to get married?"Dad was about to nod until the door slammed so hard revealing mom

"YES DEAR!!!!"mom yelled making us laughed so hard

"You know dear we are old enough for you to get married"

"To whom ill get married? if its not Lisa then i will not agree"as i look at my window

"Of course its Lisa dear, we also discussed it with the Manoban's and they also agreed since you and her our already in the right age to have a family with her"

I cant help but to squeal in excitement that i've feeling right now

"Okay mom i'll totally agree 100%, but whe-"i said sincerely making them hugged me tight and dad spin me around

"Dad! Dad! Stop now gosh! Your making me dizzy!"

"Oh sorry my princess is just that im so happy i can have a grandchild"dad clapped his hands making mom smacked his head

"You old man,all you can think is a grandchild aigoo!"mom shaked her head

"But dear were here to support both of you and the child, just tell me if he/she wants just name it"mom also said while winking at me making me laughed so hard

Imagining Lisa and I have our own family makes me more excited and my heartbeat fasten to its pace

Suddenly someone knock in the door making our attention to it they bowed first as a respect

"Hi Jen!!"Irene said happily while they are walking towards us and hugged me as well

"Jen! we missed you!"nayeon said excitingly

"Jennie Unnie!!"Chaeng and jisoo unnie is also here


"Okay seems your friends is here we gotta go and fix the marriage"Mom said and cling to dad while now walking outside while my friends are shocked but still bowed to respect my parents

"Okay dad thank you, take care"

Now that they are gone i returned my attention to them

"WHO'S GONNA GET MARRIED!?!" Chaeng suddenly shout making me flinched a bit

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"WHO'S GONNA GET MARRIED!?!" Chaeng suddenly shout making me flinched a bit

"Hey hey! Calm down its me"i said while smiling at them

They gasped

"Why the hell your smiling?! Your getting married!!" Chaeng said while glaring at me

"To whom?! Ill punch that guy! You replaced lisa with the freak?! Oh god"Jisoo unnie said and ready to punch

"Lets go! To his house?!" Jisoo unnie said and get her bag and ready to leave the office

"Do you know who it is?" Chaeng was so done with jisoo

"Hehehe no actually" scratched her head nervously

"Idiot you don't even know the name or the address do you want to get smack?" Irene said savagely and rolled her eyes

"Oh yeah you have a point there"

"So tell us jennie, whom are you getting married?"

I cant contain my smile while looking at them

"Oh god tell us!"


"Whoooo?!!"they cut me off and shake me

What the hell?! Are they even my friends!!

"Its L-"

"The fuck just tell us?!"

"Can you guys stop for a minute! ITS LISAA!!" I exclaimed while glaring at them
making them swallow

"As we said so..."they said calmly and avoided my stare at them, they stopped for a minute and look at me

"WHA- YEEEESSSSS!!!!!!"they suddenly yelled making me close my ear

They are so noisy!

"Why didn't you tell us right away?"

You guys are literally cutting me off thats why!"i hissed and crossed my arms and pout

"Were so happy for you jennieeee!!!"

"Your gonna have your own family now"

"Oh gosh i wish my seulgi too"irene mumbled as well making me smirk at her

"Just wait we don't know"as i whispered to her and tease her a bit

As we bond together and we went out to have lunch together



Were now here at the airport jennie doesnt know that i arrived already here in Seoul

We went out of the airport and mom and dad are now talking until i interrupt them

"Mom? Dad? Ill just take a cab"

"Huh dear why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Ah yes mom im going to my girlfriend"making them smirked as they get one of my bag so i will not having a hard time carrying them

"Sure sure dear"as they smirk and i said my goodbye to my friends and to lucas who's now sleeping to dad's shoulder

"Ill go now mom"

"Okay take care dear"as i kissed them in the cheeks and hugged my friends as i walk away but i heard

"Okay lets stick to the plan lets go!"But i think its not them so i just ignored it and went to the cab

While the traffic light is still red i look at the window which is now a park

I look at those people who have a happy family running through the way and the kid is having fun with their parents making me smile widely

Until i heard my phone dings so i checked it out

Its Uncle Kim

It says "Lisa we have something to talk come here at the office"


How does he know im here already?

I just shrugged it off and reply to it instead

"Okay uncle im on the way"i sent and turn my phone off

I wonder what will uncle will tell to me



My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now