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I'm so happy right now and I'm contented with Lisa she makes me happy not for expensive things but simple and with meaning or she will do weird moves that made me laugh I don't know why I'm so in love with that monkey and next week is our monthsary and im planning to tell her that I love her so so much she made me like this I change because of her im not the cold arrogant anymore im now clingy to her always and fond of cuddles as always

I remembered the deal that I made for the two of us, I need to tell the truth because if not she will think that I'm just messing with her love

"I'll tell it later I'm sure of it, "I thought and sign the files that I needed to sign and Lisa just went to the convenience store and buy me ice cream and for her to cause she's craving for that always so I gave her money but she insisted that she will pay so I just let her

I continue to sign my papers until I heard a shout again from outside
I look at my tinted window and peak who is making trouble to my company

"I TOLD YOU IM HIS BOYFRIEND SO LET ME IN AND TALK TO HER!!" this dog again trying to make a scene here in my company

I was about to go out but I saw unnie walking towards him and walking in front of him and her face is in serious mode I see she's already mad cause she told him now to go here anymore but this bulldog is stubborn he wants to do what he wants on his way but I won't let him and im just controlling my temper once he full this, he will see who I am and who his messing with

"Hey didn't I tell you not to show your face here cause I might get rid of that" I can hear them talking that jisoo unnie said

"You little----" kai was about to say something bad to unnie and chu cut him off

"Try to talk bad about me you'll see what will happen to you, and do you think I'll let you see my sister? no, backoff already if you didn't cheat on her maybe she still you're girlfriend but you made the biggest mistake you've ever done to my sister so now I tell you to go out already and don't make a scene here and you know there's a lot of people here taking videos of you this can damage your reputation so if I were you I already leave and won't come back" I smiled to my sister I know she can be a crackhead but once she is pissed or something that will make her very mad you'll see a monster

I can see kai is mad and anytime she can hurt my sister so I called the ground floor and tell the guards that this dog is making a scene in my own company for god's sake

"NO, I WILL NOT AND YOU GET OF MY WAY ILL TALK TO HER WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" he shouted to my sister and that makes my blood boil but still not full


I went out but I noticed Lisa is standing there and holding the plastic of ice cream tight I saw her burning eyes on him and I back away a little bit kai didn't even notice me that im already outside but why do I care tsk im scared of Lisa right now like she can kill a person

ok she's scary she's, even more, scarier than me, omg but I find it hot tho

before she burst into her anger she calmed herself down and walk towards them she looks at kai with her bitch face ooohhhhh Im turned on already just kidding

"hi, Mr.Jongin we can talk about this calmly, and please respect elders tho you are already an adult but you don't know the word R.E.S.P.E.C.T and please we told you already that you cant talk to Ms. Kim right now cause she's busy so please just leave sir" I see shes controlling her temper but she ignored it

"YAHH IT IS YOUR FAULT WHY THERE'S A SCENE HERE IF YOU JUST LET ME IN WERE IN PIECE RIGHT NOW!! YOU UGLY OLDER SISTER!! WORTHLESS SISTER!!!"He shouted to my sister and this time I can't control it anymore I dashed to them and bring my unnie behind me and shes shocked because I don't protect her as always but no sorry once my unnie walk away from her bully I went to them and punished them how dare them to hurt my sister so I don't want to show them cause once they already know who I am they will just use me and throw me away like others so I stay hidden


"W-w-what do you mean i-i need it, Jennie," he said while stuttering and kneeling down in front of me, and Lisa rashed to my side protecting me from him

"besides its on my name so its, mine, not yours, and hand me your money right now" he looked shocked with an unbearable expression

"WHAT THE HELL!!! WHY SHOULD I GIVE MY MONEY TO YOU HUH!!!" as he said and stand up making me look up at him and remain my cold eyes and cross my arm

"Jongin.........Jongin......Jongin if you remember all of your money is from mine, your father work under my control and your mom is just nothing from a doctor and your dad would be nothing if I didn't hire your parents"I added and grabbed his collar and make him face me he looks like a lost dog in the street that cannot even face me

"As far as I know your parents have a debt that has not been paid so may I remind you to pay for it and I can call the police right now and tell them that you're not paying your debts so bye-bye go to jail already and don't come back once you show your face here I won't hesitate to drag your ass out of here, GET.OUT.NOW!!!" as I said in my deepest tone and give my deadliest glare to him and guards take him out I heard him shout

"I'LL COME BACK HERE AND TAKE REVENGE JUST WAIT YOU FUCKING KIM!!! I'LL TAKE YOUR LOVED ONES AND KILL THEM ALL IF I HAVE TO JUST TO HAVE YOU!!!!!!"I rolled my eyes and face my employees I can kill him too if he would mind hehe once he touched my family even Lisa I will not hesitate to kill that bastard

"you can go back to work now don't mind him he's just an asshole please do your best guys"I smile at them like nothing happened in here earlier and her employees shout and clap

"oooooh you're the best ms Kim"

"Wow ms Kim you're so cool earlier"

"Daebak ms Kim"

I bowed a little and they go back to their sits and I saw Lisa smiling widely at the corner and I went to her

"you did a good job, ms Kim," she said and hand me the Icecream that she bought for us I look at her with puppy eyes and pout without everyone noticing it

"yeah I told you earlier be quick now look I'm already hungry come on follow me and btw you turned me on earlier it is your fault now I need you" I look at her seductively and bit my lips

"what do you mean turned on??" she asked confusedly and I'm in bad mood now I needed to change this little monkey to a naughty one what do you think guys

"Okay, you just ruined the mood now come on let's eat, or do you prefer something else?" I ask innocently

"But if you prefer something else we can do it right away if you want right here and right now"As I caress her arms she looked at me innocently

"Okay I'm really curious right now what something else?? rides, arcades, movies"I don't know why I fell in love with this monkey but I love her already

"just dropped the topic and let's go now I'm really hungry right now kajja!" we walked to my office I glance at her

I saw her smirk but I didn't saw it clearly she immediately remove it when she notices me okay just forget it maybe shes just smiling

and then we eat the ice cream and get back to work already cause this will be full if I didn't do it

"Jennie Yah we miss you already and ooH who this beautiful and handsome at the same time" someone barged in and they are three crackheads



did you enjoy it sorry I only update today and yesterday I'm really busy but paid off already cause my grades are good so this is a bonus and don't expect that ill update again for tomorrow cause ill be working on the other book its a secret for now hehe

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