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We're now eating at the restaurant and the waitress is flirting at me I can feel it and I feel like I'm really nervous for my life my two tigers here are really scary.

"Hey! You're my type girl can I have your number please I really like you"she said while curling my hair I'm still avoiding her

"Will you please stop! Can't you see she's not interested and btw I'm her girlfriend so back off girl she's mine"Jennie said and pull me to her back

"So what? And who are you by the way?"This slut said to Jennie and she look at me with lust

"I know she likes me too, right sweetie" she said that made me want to vomit already cause her look is look like a clown.

"Oh really would you like to buy a new mirror to see for yourself how ugly you are" Jennie said savagely savagely said and oh know she's here again please bring my Jennie back*m

"And if you are curious who am I??IM THE ONE AND ONLY BILLIONAIRE IN KOREA AND I CAN BUY YOUR LIFE TOO IF YOU WANT SO BACK OFF BEFORE I KILL YOU BITCH!!!"she said angrily while holding my hands super tight it will get a mark later I look at Lucas he doesn't care about what's happening he's just eating happily

I hold Jennie's hand to calm her down and she calms a bit and sit again while glaring at the girl

I sigh in relief I calmly look at this slut

"Uhm miss will you please get out of my sight we're just eating here peacefully just mind your own business ma'am"I said in respectful tone

She wide her eyes and slapped me in the face, how dare she touched my beautiful face i just sigh deeply and hold my patience to this clown girl

She wide her eyes and slapped me in the face, how dare she touched my beautiful face i just sigh deeply and hold my patience to this clown girl

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"Alright, you've had enough! Now face it"This time Jennie stands up and drag the girl while walking out

I was about to follow her but I remembered Lucas is here so I decided to stay

"Lucas didn't you hear anything earlier??"I asked him calmly

He shakes his head while munching his food I wipe the side of his lips and wait for Jennie to come back here

Oh my dear life, save me later I hope I don't die early I still have my dreams to come true


I'm now here at the parking lot I dragged this bitch so she can't go near to my Lisa

"Let me go girl I still have to see that blonde girl"she said and she's trying to pry her arms but no use

I maybe small but I'm stronger than you I thought and smirk

"LET.ME.GO.BITCH!!!"She shouted at me I look at her in deadly eyes

My Boss is my Girlfriend [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now