part: 23

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song: knights of cydonia - muse

3rd pov

thor slammed the door open and y/n and loki jumped away and sat on opposite ends of the couch.

thor eyed them suspiciously.

"what were you two doing?" he asked.

"reading. what does it look like, you oaf?" loki replied, not looking up from his book.

"what he said," y/n said, eyes looking between his book and thor.

thor hummed as he squinted his eyes. he turned to loki.

"loki, father has requested both of our appearances. he wishes to hear a report of your stay here on midgard," thor said, and loki looked up from his book to meet thor's eyes.

"he wants me on asgard?" loki asked, not believing it.

"correct," thor confirmed.

"am i not invited to the party?" y/n asked.

thor looked at y/n apprehensively.

"the allfather says that you are not needed to give the report," thor said, and y/n stood up.

"what? but i'm the one who's spent the most time with him, i'd give the most accurate report!" y/n argued, and thor looked at him apologetically.

"i tried to say that too. but he believes that you may be biased," thor said. y/n scoffed and threw his arms up.

"that old man, i can't believe i'm related to him," y/n muttered, running a hand through his hair.

loki sighed. "when do we depart?"

"this evening. we should be back by tomorrow morning if all goes well," thor said, turning and leaving out the door.

loki sighed and closed his book, setting it on the end table.


loki, thor, and y/n all stood on the roof of the avengers tower, and y/n huffed grumpily.

"i'm sorry i can't come, loki," y/n said, and loki turned to look at him.

loki shook his head. "it's not your fault. odin is difficult."

y/n laughed bitterly. "yeah, i noticed."

"alright, we should go now," thor said, pulling y/n into a hug.

"be safe," y/n said, and thor nodded with a smile.

"see you tomorrow." y/n waved, and stood back when the bifrost shot them towards asgard.

he looked up into the sky and stared for a moment before sighing and climbing down from the roof and walking back into the tower.

he plopped down on his bed, not knowing what to do now that loki was gone for the rest of the day.

he figured he'd read to pass the time, and rolled out of bed to lounge in the small library.

he'd been reading for maybe a couple hours when he felt a pinch in his neck. he gasped at the pain and reached up to his neck.

he felt something sticking out of it and he pulled it out quickly and looked at it. it was a dart.

he felt fear shoot through his body and he shot up out of his seat and looked around. he could feel his limbs getting heavy already. he looked out of the window and saw that there was a hole in the glass.

how had he not noticed that before? he began getting light head and fell forward, but caught himself on the wall.

two men crashed through the windows and y/n immediately started fighting. he shoved one of the men back into a shelf, knocking the books from it.

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