part: 41

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song: only happy when it rains - garbage

3rd pov

another right hook was sent straight into y/n's face. the chair he was tied to started fall from the force, but a guard caught it and stood it up again.

y/n laughed. he felt the cuts in his lips tear open a little more as he did so.

"i'm going to ask one more time. what are you doing here?" antonio asked, rubbing his knuckles.

"i'm here so you can suck my d—"

antonio threw another punch at y/n's face.

"that's it, y/n. we're aborting. we're on our way," natasha said.

"no!" y/n shouted angrily, "don't come for me until you've finished. i can take this."

he turned so he could spit blood out of his mouth.

"who are you talking to?" antonio shouted in y/n's face, grabbing him by the hair and forcing his head back.

"the voices in my head."

y/n smiled and laughed, ignoring the pain in his split lips when he did so. blood poured down his face as the cuts opened wider when he smiled. he could feel it drip down his neck into his dress shirt.

antonio threw a punch into his gut and he groaned. he couldn't breathe as antonio's fist crushed his diaphragm.

drool fell from his mouth as he tried to breathe. he coughed and gasped, air finally filling his lungs again.

loki had been searching throughout the entire building for y/n, fear running through every part of his body as he heard y/n get beaten through the ear piece.

but what also instilled fear in him was the way y/n just laughed. laughed as he was beaten.

"what's so funny?" antonio asked, bending down to y/n's level.

"it's just— you're such a terrible kisser, man. absolutely horrendous. and the neck beard thing you've got going on makes it worse," y/n said, breaking into laughter again.

antonio's face contorted into anger and he pulled his fist back. he hit y/n again, and the chair tipped over again.

he felt himself backwards, and this time the guards didn't catch him. his head hit the ground hard, and the world spun around him.

everything went numb and he saw antonio climb on top of him. hit after hit was thrown into y/n's face.

"weak," y/n said. he tried to inhale, but his own blood got caught in his airway and he coughed, the blood splattering onto the ground.

"what did you say?" antonio asked, grabbing y/n by the collar and pulling him up.

"i said," y/n wheezed as he struggled to stay conscious, "you're weak. a weak little boy."

he spat his blood infused spit into antonio's face.

"you're nothing," y/n laughed, letting his neck give out, "nothing."

antonio slammed y/n down onto the ground again, and y/n groaned as his head hit the floor.

antonio repeated the action, picking y/n up and slamming him down. he picked y/n up with one hand and punched his face with the other.

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