part: 52

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3rd pov

"he wasn't supposed to win," the grandmaster said, glaring down at the arena as two guards dragged y/n away.

loki bit his knuckles to keep from calling the grandmaster all the obscenities that came to his mind. among the boiling rage he felt, there was relief. y/n had almost just die for what seemed like the millionth time since loki has known him.

but he was alive and that's all that matters. loki was formulating a plan in his head as he waited for the grandmaster to dismiss everyone from the vip room. he silently prayed that the grandmaster didn't hold him back to talk. the longer he was around the grandmaster the harder it was to resist the urge to murder him. that was something he was waiting to do tomorrow night.

he originally planned on doing it tonight, but decided that his first priority should be to see y/n.

"i suppose i can just kill the guy i made the deal with... there's no one to stop me," the grandmaster spoke to himself.

"where are they keeping y/n— vidar?" loki asked the grandmaster, taking slow steps to stand next to him.

the grandmaster turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. "my... you really do like him! you wanna get a little taste of him before i do, huh?"

loki just smiled and looked down, a small chuckle escaping his lips. the grandmaster hummed and put a finger to his chin as if in thought.

"i suppose —since you've been such a good friend to me— i can let you meet with him before i do," the grandmaster said, and loki felt relief wash over him.

"but," the grandmaster said, loki went rigid, "if you see him— i want you to get ready for me, y'know? and afterwards... let me know if he's good or not, yeah?"

loki's hand tightened into fists, he could feel his nails digging into the skin of his palm.

he turned to look at the grandmaster with a smile. "of course."

the grandmaster patted loki's back and began walking away.

"he should be in the prisoner's infirmary— gotta keep him alive and all that," the grandmaster said, waving his hand in the air as he spoke.

loki wasted no time making his way there, walking fast, but not fast enough to raise any suspicion.


y/n pretended to be unconscious as he was dragged away by the guards. he had managed to heal his wounds enough so that they were not openly bleeding, but the skin was still tender and fragile.

when he was finally down in the infirmary, he twisted out of the guards grasp. he grabbed the both of their heads and smashed them together, knocking them unconscious. he was able to summon the spear he had used during the fight, moving it around in his hands to get used to the feeling of it. while he was better with a sword— he wasn't too terrible with a spear.

he tore off all of the ridiculous golden armor they put him in, and searched around for any clothes that weren't as conspicuous.

to his surprise he found a drawer filled with midgardian looking clothing and he sighed in relief. he wasn't able to find anything perfectly his size, the items of clothing either being too small or too big.

he managed to find sweatpants that had laces in the front so he could tie to his waist— and a graphic t-shirt of some band he's never heard of.

he put the clothes on quickly and ducked out of sight when he heard footsteps, and peaked behind the wall to see a guard walking down the hall.

y/n tip-toed behind the guard and tapped his shoulder. just as the guard turned around to look at him, he threw his fist into the guards face.

the guard fell to the ground, and y/n swung his foot into the guards face, knocking him out. y/n took a deep breath and shook his hand out. that guard's face was harder than it looked.

y/n crept through the halls at a quick but silent pace, taking down guards as quietly as possible as he came across them. y/n turned a corner too quickly and found himself being stared at by a group of five guards.

"what are you doing out?" one of the guards asked, walking towards y/n.

"i was looking for the... bathroom?" y/n said, biting his lip nervously.

the guard now stood only a foot away from him.

"the bathroom's back that w—"

y/n swung his spear into the face of the guard, knocking him out. the other guards now charged after him, and readied himself to take them all down.

he ducked as one guard threw a ounch at him, and tackled him to the ground. he felt himself get pulled off of the guard, but managed to deliver a kick to the guards face and knock him out. y/n dug his elbow into the face of the guard who had a hold on him, and the guard let go of him to cradle his now bleeding nose.

y/n kicked him the gut, causing him to fall backward and hit the ground with a satisfying thump. he didn't get up. with the remaining two guards, y/n did what did before and smashed their heads together, letting them drop to the ground unconscious.

y/n panted and picked up his spear, continuing on his way through the maze like infirmary. he heard footsteps from around the corner and pushed himself flat against the wall— waiting to knock out whoever turned the corner.

he didn't wait to see who it was and shoved them against the wall, holding his spear against their neck. he felt hands grip his wrists tightly.

he was staring into familiar green eyes. he had to be hallucinating. he dropped his spear and it fell to the ground with a metallic clang. y/n couldn't bring himself to move or speak, afraid that if he did, loki would disappear right before his eyes.

loki lifted a cautious hand to y/n face and placed it onto his cheek. tears filled y/n's eyes and his lip trembled, and he brought his hand up to hold loki's.

"are you real? are you really here?" y/n asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. loki pulled him into a tight hug and buried his face into his shoulder.

"i'm here, my love. i'm real and i'll never let go of you ever again," loki said, holding y/n even tighter.

y/n couldn't keep his tears in any longer, and he fell limp into loki's body. loki supported his weight and held him, pressing kisses to head and soothing circles into his back.

y/n sniffled and loki lifted his head to meet his eyes, heart breaking at the tortured look in them.

"i missed you so much," y/n said, his voice weak and his eyes filling with tears again. "i thought— i thought you were..."

loki frowned when he understood what y/n was saying. he brought his hand up to y/n's face and brushed the hair away from his eyes.

"you can't get rid of me that easy. i always come back," loki said, planting a kiss on y/n's forehead.

when loki pulled away, he felt soft lips connect with his own, and he gasped lightly in surprise. he smiled against the kiss and buried his hands in y/n's hair.

y/n pulled out of the kiss and leaned his forehead against loki's.

"i was waiting to do that for so long," y/n said breathlessly.

loki chuckled and held y/n closer to him.

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