part: 59

1K 56 13

3rd pov

"i'm dying."

"you're not dying, y/n," thor said, sitting beside y/n as they were both getting worked on by asgardian doctors. "you overworked yourself, you just need time to heal and rest."

"i'm dying," y/n repeated.

thor rolled his eye. y/n cackled and pointed at him mockingly.

"you can only roll one eye now," y/n said.

thor poked y/n in the side, right where he was stabbed. "shut up."

"ow!" y/n screeched, smacking thor's hand away. "you fucking dickhole!"

"who taught you such vulgar language? you're outrageous," thor said.

y/n rolled his eyes and huffed, falling into the bed and letting the fatigue wash over him. now that he wasn't moving too much, his entire body felt like lead. movement seemed impossible now. he closed his eyes and let the tiredness carry him into a sleepless slumber.

when he woke up again, his eyelids felt heavy and his eyes burned. he turned his head and groaned at the throbbing pain in his skull. he wanted to go back to sleep, but the feeling of dried blood in his hair and between his fingers was starting to bother him.

he sat up slowly. he could feel the soreness in his body flare as he did so, but pushed through the pain nonetheless. he swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood up, giving himself a moment before walking out of the makeshift infirmary and down the halls.

he found himself in the hallway with all of the rooms and picked an empty one, sighing in relief when he saw that it had a bathroom connected to it. he peeled off his blood soaked clothes and groaned as the pieces dried to his skin ripped off.

he washed his hair three times just to make sure he got all of the blood out and scrubbed the rest of his body thoroughly. he stood under the stream of water and focused on the feeling of it as a way to keep himself grounded.


he jumped violently when he felt arms encircle his waist, but immediately relaxed into the familiar hold. he felt loki's hands trail up and down his sides and then stop when one brushed his wound. his fingers lingered over it for a moment and y/n exhaled deeply.

"hela," y/n said, leaning his head back on loki's shoulder. he felt a tingling warmth and looked down to see a green hue on the skin under loki's palm. y/n placed his hand over loki's and sighed, closing his eyes.

"i would have healed it myself, but i think i wore myself out a little too much. i'm exhausted," y/n said. loki finished healing y/n and held him tighter, pulling him closer.

"you'll have time to rest, my love. you've been through a lot. we all have," loki said, feathering kisses on y/n's neck.

"and how are you, loki? asgard was your home," y/n said, turning around to face loki and looking into his eyes.

"my home is wherever you are," loki said, leaning his forehead on y/n's. "and we saved the citizens. asgard is not truly gone."

y/n huffed a laugh, "asgard isn't a place, it's a people," he said.

"exactly," loki clarified.

"i'm glad you made it back safe, loki," y/n said, pecking loki's lips quickly.

loki hummed and connected their lips again, lingering a bit longer than y/n had.

"of course i did. i told you i would be okay, i would never lie to you," loki said.

y/n smiled and chuckled a bit, looking at the ground for a moment before looking up at loki.

"i believe you," y/n said.

loki smiled and pulled y/n close into a tight hug. he buried his hand in y/n's hair and sighed.

"you've always believed in me, even when i wasn't worth believing in," loki said into y/n's shoulder.

"you were always worth it, loki. always," y/n said, hugging loki tighter.

loki sighed and y/n could feel his breath run down his back.

"i love you, y/n. i love you so... so much," loki whispered.

y/n pulled back from the hug and brought his hands up to cradle loki's face. he looked into loki's eyes, getting lost in them for a moment.

"loki," he said, his voice unable to go any louder than a whisper. "loki."

y/n furrowed his eyebrows when loki got blurry. the shower floor spun below him and twisted beneath his feet. "oh shit, loki," he grunted, reaching out desperately as he felt his knees go weak.

loki was quick to catch y/n when his knees gave out, becoming an eerie dead weight in his arms. y/n's head fell back and it became apparent to loki that he had passed out. he quickly turned off the shower and carried y/n out and onto the bed, grabbing a towel to dry himself and y/n off.

he put clothes on y/n after himself and left swiftly to find someone who could tell him that y/n was okay, that he was just exhausted.


"his blood pressure is irregular. it's fluctuating— most likely do to stress and emotional, well, stress. i'm sure he'll be fine, but if it continues past... all this," the doctor gestured widely, "then we'll need to start worrying."

"he'll be all right?" loki asked, a desperate look in his eye.

the doctor seemed slightly surprised, maybe even a little amused with loki.

"i've been your family's doctor for years. you've never shown such concern for anyone, not even your father," the doctor said.

loki's eyes glazed over a bit as he stared at y/n. "i care deeply for him." he said.

the doctor patted loki's shoulder, "i'm positive he'll be just fine, loki. he has you," he said, quietly leaving the room.

"yeah, he has me," loki whispered to himself, a serrated, sharp guilt crushing his insides. he knew that it wasn't his job to protect y/n, and that even if it was, y/n could handle himself, but loki still felt responsible for everything that has happened to y/n. all the suffering.

all y/n has ever done for loki was get him out of trouble time and time again, always protecting him from everyone's judgement and fear. what has he, loki, done to return the favor? loki knew that he didn't deserve y/n, that what he really deserved was to rot in a cell for the rest of his life. but that's not where he was, and right now he had the choice to hold on to the only thing he loves, or walk away from it.

loki sighed and let his eyes droop a bit and his face relax. he crawled onto the bed and collapsed beside y/n, pulling the blanket over the both of them. he rolled onto his side and pulled y/n close to his body, inhaling his scent.

he sighed slowly and let himself finally relax, the feeling of sleep already taking over and numbing his mind.

i made it sad at the end because i love torturing ppl ❤️ thanos is coming up in 1 or 2 chapters so be prepared...

i hope u enjoy u loki lovers,



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