part: 37 (mature)

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song: just the two of us - grover washington jr. & bill withers

3rd pov

y/n stood in front of the sink and scrubbed away at the dishes. today he had nothing to do, so he decided that today was cleaning day. by himself, since loki opted out of cleaning. y/n didn't mind all that much.

music played throughout the kitchen, and y/n hummed along with his tunes as he swayed his body. unbeknownst to him, loki sat watching from the couch. he gazed upon y/n fondly, examining the way his eye-lashes brushed along his cheek bones every time he blinked, and the way he smiled every time his favorite part of the song came on.

and his voice. his voice sounded like honey, the low and comforting vibrating of his it reaching loki's ears and sending him into bliss.

loki's eyes followed y/n's form as it disappeared down the hallway, only for it to return with a bucket and a mop (that's some wet ass p--). y/n still hadn't noticed loki sitting on the couch, lost among the thoughts running in his mind.

he turned on the sink to fill up the bucket with water, and bent down to grab a floor cleaner out from under the sink.

as y/n poured in the solution, a chemical-ish lemon scent filled loki's nose.

y/n set the bucket down and sloshed the mop around in it, then wrung it out and began mopping the floor, all while belting his heart out to his music.

y/n mopped over a small spot of dirt and smiled in satisfaction when it disappeared. he turned around and mopped another area, but something caught his eye. another dirt spot was in the same exact place as the one he just mopped over.

he paused for a moment, then shrugged and just mopped over it. he nodded to himself when it disappeared. he looked away for one second, and when he looked back it was there again.

"...what the fuck?" he whispered to himself. he glared at it, hoping that would make it go away. it didn't. he mopped over it again and stared at the now clean spot. he watched it, unblinking. his eyes began drying out and he couldn't resist the urge to blink.

it was back. "ugh!"

y/n tussled his hair in confusion, and then gasped when felt cold arms wrap around his waist and weight fall onto his left shoulder. now it all makes sense. loki was messing with him.

"you know loki, you could help clean instead of make it harder." y/n smiled, turning to look at loki who was leaning on his shoulder.

"i think i'm going to go read," loki mumbled, releasing his hold on y/n and stepping back. y/n chuckled.

loki's foot slipped on the wet floor under him, and by then it was too late to save himself. y/n whipped around quickly and caught loki in his arms. loki stared wide-eyed up at him.

y/n smirked down at him, but that quickly changed when he felt his own foot slip out from under him. he and loki crashed to the floor, knocking over the bucket of mop water.

the water splashed everywhere, including on them and their clothes.

y/n fell on top of loki, and looked down at him in surprise of what just happened. water dripped down from his hair and onto loki's cheek. he couldn't help but laugh.

loki cracked a smile and tried to keep himself from laughing, but y/n's giggling was contagious. they giggled together, and stared into each other's eyes. loki got lost in y/n's e/c eyes, and y/n got lost in loki's green ones.

y/n leaned down slowly, and loki could feel his hot breath fan his face. he closed the distance between them, and his hands reached up to grasp the soaked shirt covering y/n's shoulders.

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