4. paris

579 26 2

3rd pov

y/n leaned on the wall of the front entrance of the hotel, smoking his cigarette and watching everyone as they passed him by. a familiar face caught his eye and he had to do a double take. it was the woman, penny white, who was involved in akhil's murder and idris' kidnapping.

y/n immediately snubbed his cigarette out and reached into his pocket for his phone, but felt nothing. he left it in the hotel room. his sighed frustratedly before pushing through the crowd to catch up with the woman. he'd have to contact loki later. he couldn't lose her.

he watched as she got into a car, it immediately speeding away. y/n turned around to where his car was parked around the corner of the hotel and decided to pull a man off of his motorcycle instead. he threw his leg over the motorcycle, ignoring the angered shouting of the man he just threw onto the floor. he twisted the throttle and sped off toward the car the woman got into.

he followed it from a short distance, not so close that they could spot him, but not far enough that he couldn't follow it with ease.

the car turned onto a different street abruptly and picked up speed. y/n went full throttle and weaved through cars to catch up. he turned the corner and saw them speeding ahead. they must have seen him following them.

he cursed, but picked up speed to keep following them. they knew he was here now and would have idris moved out of the country by the end of the day. he needed to end this now.

he managed to stay on their tail, having an advantage over them being able to speed past and weave through cars. he watched the car pull into a small garage and the woman and the other two men run out of the car and into the building.

y/n stopped the bike and didn't even bother to rest it on the kickstand, letting it crash to the ground as he ran into the building. he kicked the door open and summoned tyrfing, looking around frantically as his eyes adjusted to the dark.

"idris!" he called out into the darkness, walking around and bumping into things.

"y/n!" he heard idris shout, his voice became muffled and shuffling noises sounded from the other side of the room.

"idris! hold on, idris, i—"

y/n hissed as he felt a pinch on the back of his neck. he reached and brushed his fingers over the spot, but felt nothing there. his knees suddenly buckled under his weight and he fell to the ground. he grunted as he hit the cold floor, landing awkwardly and finding himself unable to move at all.

the lights clicked on and he squinted up to see the man, bruce smith, standing over him, a gun in his hand and pointed at him.

"strange, you should be unconscious right now. dr. weiss' notes said that that was the amount of tranquilizer needed to knock you out," the man spoke. "you must've gotten stronger since then. oh well, at least you'll be awake to feel this."

he pulled the trigger and unloaded three bullets into y/n's back. y/n cried out, trying desperately to move his body, still unable to do anything. y/n could feel himself slowly being cut off from his magic, something in the tranquilizer cutting him off. he was too weak to do anything to the man, so all he could do was lay there and take it.

"you should have just lived quietly, y/n. after you killed weiss, a good riddance, actually, we decided not to mess with you for doing us that favor," bruce explained, walking away from y/n and down to the man and woman who were holding idris back.

he paused and turned to look back at y/n. "it's a pity you had to go and start hunting and killing us." he signaled to the other two and they dragged idris out of the room. the man followed after them and shut the door with a loud clang.

y/n screamed in pain as he felt his adrenaline die down and the pain from the bullets began to bleed through his body.

two shots next to each other on his side. one shot only inches above heart and lungs. he was lucky bruce was a terrible shot.

y/n cried out as he tried with all of his might to move his body, but all he could do was move his fingers and blink. everything else was gone to him.

he could feel his blood start to pool under his fingers and he got an idea.


loki flinched and turned when he heard a metallic clank behind him. he gasped and ran towards the sword laying on the hotel floor. he kneeled down beside it and picked it up to read the letters written in blood on the blade.

it was a location, one of the locations y/n had marked on the map. loki ran to the map still laid out on the table and looked for the address. he found it and wasted no time running out of the hotel and down to the car.

he pressed the button to turn it on and it started up. he placed his hands on the wheel and took a deep, shaky breath. he had never driven a car before. he put it in drive, something he'd observed y/n do many times, lightly shouting when the car began to roll forward. he slammed his foot on what he thought was the brakes, but only succeeded in launching the car forward into oncoming traffic.

he screamed and twisted the wheel as fast as he could, the tires screeching on the road as he skidded. he frantically steered past cars, never relenting on the gas. he could hear his blood rushing in his ears from the adrenaline and his breathing was ragged.

he made it to the location in record time and flew out of the car and slammed through the entrance, looking around frantically for any sign of y/n. he walked around the large tables in the room, feeling his heart sink into his stomach when he saw a puddle of blood peaking from behind one of them.

he ran and turned to see y/n laying there.

"oh, no," he cried out, kneeling down and rolling y/n over.

y/n groaned at the movement and loki sighed at the confirmation of y/n's life.

loki started healing y/n immediately.

"no, loki! stop!" y/n groaned out.

"right! bullets. where's your little knife?" loki asked frantically, digging through y/n's pockets.

"stop! loki, go save idris, they have him, go— go, please. call fury, he's got guys down here, call the police, call everyone, please!" y/n pleaded, his voice strained.

"you'll die if i don't heal you right now!" loki cried out, still searching for y/n's pocket knife.

"i would have killed myself a long time ago if i wasn't such a fucking coward" y/n said bitterly. "i'm done here, loki."

loki froze. "what?" he asked breathlessly.

"i don't want to be here anymore, loki. just let me go. go save idris before we lose him forever, please," y/n begged.

loki felt his lip tremble. "b-but you can't go! you can't leave me!" loki cried, heavy tears running down his cheeks.

"go, damnit! please, save him." y/n's breathing got heavier and he closed his eyes, too weak keep them open. "let me go, loki. let me go. because i swear to fucking god if i survive this and idris doesn't i'm going to kill you."

loki cried in agony.

"please," y/n whispered, "please."

loki got up off of the floor, completely covered in y/n's blood, and sobbed as he ran for the door. he left as quick as he could, knowing that if he didn't go and keep going, he'd turn around and save y/n.

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