1. dubai

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3rd pov

20 months. that's how long it's been since loki, thor, heimdall, and y/n barely escaped death.

18 months. that's how long it's been since loki has seen y/n.

so for loki to see him now, in one of the finest restaurants dubai has to offer, it was a little weird. it was also a difficult experience, rich men and their wives ogling y/n like he was a piece of meat as he sang with the live band playing behind him.

y/n stepped away from the band and slid the microphone off the stand, his eyes set on one man in particular. he sauntered over to the man and put a hand on his shoulder, pulling the mic away as he whispered into his ear. the man smiled and stood up, y/n leading him to the clearing in front of the band.

"beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen," y/n began saying, the music behind him quieting a little bit as he spoke. "this fine man is our special guest tonight. i've been paid to make him feel extra special. so, sit back, enjoy the show, and try not to feel jealous."

oh, loki was feeling very jealous.

y/n sent a wink out to the crowd and then sang into the mic, dragging his hand along the shoulders of the man and stopping when it reached his chest. he stopped singing in the middle of the chorus, his pleasant expression quickly replaced by a cold, stoic look.

"now," he said into the mic, shoving the man away by the chest, causing him to stumble back. a loud pop rang out in the restaurant and screams followed. loki sat stunned, unable to get up from his seat, too shocked at the sight before him to even move.

the man lay on the floor, a puddle of blood under him growing quicker by the second. y/n stared down at the body without any remorse, taking out a hanker chief and wiping away the blood that had sprayed onto his face. he dropped it onto to the dead man and said something under his breath that couldn't be quite made out.

so you're probably wondering what the hell is happening right now, yes? well, in order to understand what just happened, we'll need to go back about 36 hours previous to this event.

36 hours ago, loki was minding his business, sipping his tea, and reading when heimdall and thor walked into his peripheral vision.

"what do you both want?" loki asked, taking another sip of tea and turning the page in his book.

"it's y/n," thor said apprehensively, gripping the counter nervously.

loki didn't look up from his book. "why should i care about what he's doing? he made it very clear he doesn't want anything to do with me or even any of us," loki said with a forced coldness. "the only reason you know about anything he's doing is because heimdall can't mind his own business."

"brother, he's going down a dark path," thor began. "hunting people, killing them. that's not him."

"he's killing the men involved with hydra, is he not? i say he's living up to his title quite well, the god of vengeance getting revenge. i see no reason to bother him," loki said, sipping his tea obnoxiously loud.

thor tore the book out of loki's hands and threw it across the room, taking loki's collar and yanking him forwards. "enough with the "couldn't care less" act! i know you still care about him so don't even deny it."

loki refused to look thor in the eye.

he shoved loki further back and shook his collar. "what y/n is doing is not right. he is hurting people, killing people. he's digging a hole for himself that he'll never escape from and we both know that's not what he deserves."

"he helped you escape from the darkness," heimdall said, piercing through loki with his golden eyes. "it's time for you to help him."

"get off me," loki growled, shoving thor off of him and glaring at him before walking away.

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