part: 27

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song: the man who sold the world - midge ure

3rd pov

beeping. y/n could hear beeping. his eyebrow twitched as he slowly slipped out of unconsciousness.

he opened his eyes, blinking at how bright the room was. everything was white, and there weren't even blinds or curtains on the windows.

he was still sort of out of it, not even registering what was happening or where he was. he hadn't moved at all yet, besides turning his head to look out the window he lay beside.

he tried to lift his hand up off the bed, but something held his wrist down. his heart dropped into his stomach and he looked down to see that his wrists and ankles were strapped down to the bed.

"no!" he said to himself angrily. he had just escaped from dr. weiss, and now he was being held captive by someone new.

he struggled against the restraints, and realized that they weren't nearly as strong as the one's hydra had used on him.

he pulled with all of his arm strength, and the restraints gave and snapped. he sighed in relief and moved his arm around. he pulled his other arm and the restraints on that one broke too.

his heart was pounding in his chest. he quickly sat up and fumbled with the restraints around his ankles, relieved that they were just buckles and not locked.

he summoned the sword he had found, more like summoned out of thin air (he still doesn't know how), the day he escaped from hydra and quietly slipped out of the bed.

the clothes he was wearing were light and comfy, making it easy to be quiet and fast. he wore a loose white t-shirt and black cotton material pants.

an alarm blared and he instantly went into fight or flight mode. he heard shouting and footsteps running towards the room his was in, and he panicked.

he hid behind the door and waited from someone to enter. a man with long golden hair and a flowing red cape ran into the room and look around frantically.

y/n came up from behind him and slammed him against the wall, holding his sword against his throat.

"y/n, wait! you know me! i'm thor!" the man yelled, shifting uneasily under his blade.

y/n squinted at him. he didn't recognize the name thor was calling him by. he looked between each of his ocean blue eyes and breathed heavily.

"who is... y/n?" he asked slowly, loosening his grip on thor slightly.

"that is you, brother. you are y/n," thor said sadly, lifting his hand up to y/n's shoulder. y/n took his sword from thor's neck and backed away, but didn't take his hand off of his collar.


men dressed in security uniforms ran into the room and pointed their guns at y/n, who turned around and held his sword up defensively.

he was panicking again, and thor noticed.

he was about to tell the security to stand down, but y/n shouted over him.

"get away! get away from me!" he yelled nervously. backing away and pushing thor farther back as well.

the security guards closed in on y/n, who only grew more panicked at the actions.

"put down the sword, sir," one of the security guards ordered.

"you out your guns down first!" y/n said, swinging his sword at them to get them to back away. thor had no opening to speak at all.

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